Friday, May 16, 2014

Jersey's Rationale for Why Liberals Can't be Fascists?

Try, his own equally hackneyed assertion/self-serving circular-based argument that fascists can't be liberals....You cannot make this stuff up, folks.


dmarks said...

Liberals/leftists/progressives can indeed be fascists by advocating fascist polices.

Full definition of fascism [Merriam-Webster]

"a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition"

Centralized government? The left's advocacy of total central control of healthcare (single payer) and other radical, extreme measures (such as federal control of banks, which WD has advocated) do fit into this.

Suppression of opposition? One need to look no further than Obama's efforts a few months ago to put agents into newsrooms to monitor and control content. And, of course, the "fairness doctrine" to make the Federal government the editor of media content is still favored by many on the Left... including Shaw.

"severe economic and social regimentation?" Yes, this is an apt description of much of the progressive agenda.

Race above the individual? Look no further than the ACLU, which has an entire division devoted to punishing people for their skin color at the expense of individual rights.

As some will readily point out, perhaps Les might be the first, conservatives can fit some of this definition also. Easily and readily. But that is not the point, as I am showing that liberals indeed stray into fascist territory also.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

FDR with his internment of the Japanese, multiple violations of the Geneva Convention, court-packing scheme, utilization of the IRS as a weapon against his political opponents, and persecution of the Schectors and other small businessmen via his idiotic NRA are probably also examples.

dmarks said...

Looking at the 14 points of fascism at RN, there is also the one about "rampant sexism".

What else can you call the left's current proposals misleadingly called "equal pay" which propose paying women extra, above the value of the work?

This is indeed "rampant sexism". It goes alongside the mainstream push by the Left to tilt the playing field and punish and reward based on skin color.

dmarks said...

"...utilization of the IRS as a weapon against his political opponents"

And this is part of the now. Central to the recent controversy over the Obama IRS targeting tea party groups is the reprehensible situation that the IRS will punish people for speaking out on issues with a stiff tax penalty.

WD strongly supports this. He strongly opposes "electioneering", that is, individuals speaking out on issues and candidates with the hope of changing people's minds.
Is there any surprise?

He believes this right of dissent should only belong to those in power. This is typical fascism.

dmarks said...

In WD's fascist world, "we the people" consists of the tiny, much less than 99% at the top, annointed with superpowers by being "democratically elected representatives"... superpowers which include the ability to destroy the individual rights of everyone else.

To me, informed citizens, and those concerned with the abuse of power and protecting our rights, "we the people" means all of us. Not just those who rule.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

The real rampant sexism is the stuff that's happening in the Islamic world in which a woman needs 4 MALE witnesses in order to make a rape charge and can't even leave the house without covering every inch of her body.............And speaking of wd, I have since developed a fool-proof way of not having to read even a word of his idiocy. I've constructed a 4 1/2 by 5 1/2 inch cardboard cutout that I place over the comments and when I see his name to the right of the cutout I take the mouse over to the left side and click the boxes associated with his name and simply delete them all. This way I don't have to see even a single word (before I was accidentally seeing a word here and there and via sensory memory kinda getting the gist of some of it) and the nausea of blogging has been significantly reduced.

dmarks said...

Will: The fecally-obsessed WD is the packrat of these blogs. He takes better ideas from other blogs, chews them up beyond recognition and lines his crap-hole of a blog with them.