Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Blog Ruiners

You cannot reason with paranoid partisan stooges. It's impossible. But, what you can do is underscore their lies in a manner that allows for those on the normal end of the spectrum to decide for themselves..............................................................................................LIE NUMBER ONE - I have "finally" decided to criticize the right. The real truth, folks, is that I've been criticizing elements of the right from day one (April 23, 2007). In fact, my very first post was called "Love-Fest With DeLay", a piece in which I sharply criticize O'Reilly for his powder-puff interview with the former minority leader. And, yes, I've been sharply critical of former President Bush (his mishandling of the war, especially) and his apologists in the media...........................................................................................LIE NUMBER TWO - I am a strong supporter of Senator McCain. The real truth here, folks, is that I have in fact been very critical of Senator McCain (I once referred to him as Bush on steroids) and DIDN'T vote for him. I've been critical of his flip-flopping and, yes, highly critical of what I've perceived to be a nasty/bellicose foreign policy. I have defended him at times, but only when 1) he was accused of being a North Vietnamese collaborator, 2) his war record was viciously attacked (one blogger went as far as to blame him for when his plane was annihilated by friendly fire, and 3) when he was "diagnosed" as having Alzheimer's............................................................................................LIE NUMBER THREE - I didn't criticize Senator McCain for his flip-flopping on "don't ask, don't tell". This lie is an easy one to disprove. On February 4, in a post entitled, "Miscellaneous 4", I criticized the Senator in no uncertain terms FOR EXACTLY THIS.................................................................................................LIE NUMBER FOUR - I failed to criticize Liz Cheney for her intemperate comments on the Justice Department. Again, this is an easy one to disprove. On March 11, in a post entitled, "The 800 Pound Second Generational Ramrod in the Room", I criticized her and, yes, I did it sharply................................................................................................LIE NUMBER FIVE - Keith Olbermann criticizes Obama far more than I criticize the right. This one, in particular, is ridiculous. Yes, Olbermann will on occasion chastise (gently, VERY GENTLY) the President. But it is ALWAYS when the President isn't liberal ENOUGH, never, ever, when his liberalism runs amok. Compare this to me, a person who has literally written hundred of post that criticize the right for being TOO RIGHT..........................................................................................LIE NUMBER SIX (and, yes, it's late, so this is going to be the last one) - I didn't condemn the violence and death threats that came from those Tea Party members. Not only, folks, did I condemn these actions (March 24, "I Knew Barry Goldwater..."), I criticized Fox News (March 27, "One Network's Innuendo....") for their whitewashing of them. It's like, WHAT, these frigging partisans can't read?

From the Safety of His Wheelchair

Charles Krauthammer is clearly a smart guy. But I'm telling you, RIGHT NOW, he's basically talking gibberish. His latest neocon swipe against the President is the one in which he states that we should have pushed harder for "regime change" in Iran (last summer, after the election controversy over there). And, yes, me-buckos, once again Mr. Krauthammer fails to deliver in terms of specifics. Push harder HOW? Moral support? Or his suggesting something of a much more strenuous nature? I mean, at the very least, this is something that could conceivably mean funding, weaponry, etc.. Granted, it's probably better to have a civil war (the object of which would be to get rid of the mullahs and not just Ahmadinejad, I would HOPE) over there PRIOR to their attainment of nuclear weapons and all. But, still, it's also something that would probably create a lot instability NOW. And being that we're presently knee-deep in two Muslim countries already.....

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I can't ever remember feeling as badly for a person as I did last night for that for that Xavier player (women's college basketball; Xavier vs. Stanford). For those of you who didn't see it, not only did she blow a layup, she blew a second gimme just ten seconds later - either of which, had she made them, would have given the lady Musketeers the lead with seconds to go (yes, Stanford scored right after to win it, but at least it would have forced an overtime). Now, granted, there were some other things that also went awry for Xavier; missed foul shots (the second of which was the front end of a one on one by a player shooting 86% for the season), turnovers, etc.. But, honestly here, I'm pretty sure that people aren't going to remember any of them. Unfortunately.................................................................................................Oh, and if you think that I'm making too much out of this, think again. Donnie Moore (the Angels pitcher who gave up that gopher ball to Boston's Dave Henderson in the 1986 divisional series) ended up blowing his brains out. Skip "Money" Dillard (the DePaul guard whose missed free-throw versus St. Joseph's in a 1981 NCAA tournament cost them the game) ended up on skid-row. Bill Buckner.....I mean, what can I say? We all know about Bill Buckner. This frigging guy can't even go out in public, STILL!.....All I can say, folks, is that I hope that this young lady has a rock-solid support system going. This, in that, yeah, you bet, she's really going to need it.

Monday, March 29, 2010

To Compel or Not to Compel

I have very mixed feelings about this so-called "individual mandate". On the one hand, it does seem to be at least somewhat dictatorial - the federal government compelling its citizens to purchase a product. This, BUT, on the other hand, it's extremely hard to envision any sort of telling reform (absent single-payer and/or a voucher system) happening without it. We certainly can't get rid of preexisting condition clauses without it (this, in that people will simply wait UNTIL they're sick and THEN purchase the policy)................................................................................................As to whether the federal government compelling individuals to purchase health insurance is, in any way, equivalent to the states compelling these folks to purchase car insurance, again, it's significantly more complicated that those most embroiled in the argument have made it out to be. Yes, the government is compelling its citizenry to purchase something. But, it also must be stated that one case involves the federal government. The other one does not. That, and it could also be argued that the auto insurance mandate is a mandate that just as much protects other people (the liability component) as it does the insured driver (health insurance being purchased more to protect oneself). Granted, if a person doesn't have health insurance, the possibility exists that eventually the taxpayer ends up picking up the tab (so, yeah, other people can and often do get hurt).....Like I said up front, it's pretty damn complicated.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Bush League

I hate to dump on a coach/person right after he or she loses BUT, I have to tell you here, I am very happy that Kentucky's John Calipari-led Wildcats lost to West Virginia tonight. I'm sorry, but I just don't respect the guy. I mean, he's basically running an NBA farm team over there at Kentucky (yes, as he also did at Memphis prior to Lexington). In fact, the ONLY reason that John Wall, DeMarcus Cousins, and Eric Bledsoe are even playing at Kentucky, is because they currently aren't allowed to play in the NBA (the league now has an minimum age-requirement). The very second that they're eligible - yep, you got it, each and every one of these young men will be kissing the bluegrass faithful, bye-bye. Absolutely. It'll be just like when Derrick Rose and Tyreke Evans each bolted Memphis after one year. Not that Kentucky really has much to worry about, mind you. Calipari'll reload. That son of a bitch ALWAYS does.

One Network's Innuendo Is Another Network's Bread and Butter - AND VICE VERSA!!

The latest ploy by Fox News is that there isn't any "proof" (footage, etc.) that people actually spat upon Democratic Congressmen/women, called the African-American ones the N-word, etc.. It's only innuendo (they're lying, in other words), they're currently saying (well, that, and that the media is overblowing it - obviously)...................................................................................................But the thing is, folks, are they all frigging lying? I mean, sure, Nanci Pelosi and some of those nimrods - I wouldn't necessarily believe them, either. But, yeah, when we're talking about a national hero like John Lewis (a man whose bravery and integrity have NEVER been questioned), I think it's pretty clear that you can take it to the bank. If John Lewis says that he was spat upon, I believe it...................................................................................................Now this isn't to imply that everybody from the Tea Party movement is doing such crap. They clearly aren't (and, yes, Olbermann is big-time wrong to be painting with such a broad brush). My only point is that there they (Fox News) frigging go again, framing such an issue in a way that totally suits them, etc.. It is wrong, folks. And, no, just because MSNBC.....

Friday, March 26, 2010

Final Score From the Oscars

Sandra Bullock 1 - Alfred Hitchcock, Greta Garbo, Montgomery Clift, Deborah Kerr, Richard Burton, Peter O'Toole, Barbara Stanwyck, Rosalind Russell, Carole Lombard, Stanley Kubrick, Orson Welles, Cary Grant, Glenn Close, Kirk Douglas, and Jean Arthur 0. Highlights at eleven.

Something Fishy After All?

As much as I hate to jump on the bandwagon here, I'm afraid that, yes, I'm really and truly going to have to. It appears, folks, more and more as if the Republicans have indeed been playing games with this health-care issue. Please, allow me to give you several of the smoking-guns...........................................................................................1) When the Wyden-Bennett health plan (considered by many to be MORE radical than the current legislation) was first put forth in 2007, it had a total of NINE Republican co-sponsors (included here were conservatives, Trent Lott and, yes, Judd Greg). And even when it was reintroduced in 2009, it still had a total of four (a Republican op-ed responding to an Ezra Klein column indicated that there would actually be far more than just those four supporters). And 2) Back in 1993, when the Republicans were putting for an alternative to "Hillary care", the proposal that they (Senators Grassley and Hatch were the two up-front, I believe) came up with was in fact quite similar to what the Democratic plan is peddling NOW (and, yes, folks, this absolutely included individual mandates)!!...............................................................................................Of course/if in fact you were near disposed to, a person could also conceivably say that, "Well, the times have clearly changed, the budget-deficit, yada, yada." Hm, I don't know, though. I'm not so sure. Part of me is starting to think that the left may have actually been right on this one; the Republicans basically wanting to embarrass the President, deliver to the fellow a crushing defeat, etc...................................................................................................P.S. This post wasn't in any way meant to critical or supportive to anybody.....or anything. I merely wrote it to underscore what I now perceive to be a much more ambiguous situation. Thank you very much.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Who's On Worst?

Clif, I'm not exactly sure what it is that you want from me. You want me to, WHAT, concede/agree with you that Republicans are far more (virulently so, I'm gathering) despicable than the Democrats? Yeah, huh? Well, guess what? I'm not so certain that I can do that. In fact, I know that I can't. It just isn't the way that science works. Science - it works in aggregates. It doesn't.....via an assemblage of anecdotes that just so to happen work for you. Yes, it was quite stupid/intemperate for former Governor Palin to target those vulnerable Democrats with cross-hairs, etc.. But, I also have to tell you, it was just as stupid and intemperate for David Bourgeois to write on the Huffington Post an article called, "Obama Better Start Breaking Kneecaps". Ditto for Roland Martin (a guy who, up until this point, I had always thought of as a moderate) on; "Time For Obama to Go 'Gangsta' on the GOP". I mean, I just don't know, Clif. It sounds to me as if both sides need to tone it down a tad.............................................................................................P.S. Just for the record, Ann Coulter (who, I will gladly admit, is herself extreme - in many ways!) probably gets more death threats than anybody (perhaps she's even gotten a couple from you - seriously, I jest). And while she clearly lies herself, so, too, is SHE lied about. Just on the O'Reilly Factor the other night, a Canadian journalist accused her of saying that ALL Arabs really need to be on a strict no-fly list. SHE NEVER SAID THAT! I mean, yeah, she's said that most Arabs need to be profiled. But, then again, so has the comedian/darling of the left, Bill Maher. Not that it's near as bad when he says it, of course.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Talk About Strategery

I'm still not entirely sure what Mr.s Krauthammer and Kondracke want President Obama to do in terms of Iran/that particular country's quest for nuclear weaponry. I mean, yes, I know that they talk (bellow, actually) a lot about sanctions and stuff. But even these fellows are quick to admit, absent participation by Russia and China, sanctions would in fact be ineffectual...............................................................................................Then, of course, there's that whole "we really need to support the resistance" strategy of theirs. As if it were a simple matter, I'm saying. It's like, what, what do you mean? Are you saying that we should rhetorically back them (speak from our moral authority, in other words)? Or, OR, are you saying that we should support them militarily. I mean, yes, you really do need to be prepared for that. This, in that (yes, back in 1991) the first President Bush told Iraqi's Shiites that, "Yeah, yeah, we support you" (basically inciting them to revolt, mind you) - only to stand idly by while they basically got slaughtered...............................................................................................And, really, how absolutely certain is it that this new Iranian regime would be any better? I mean, think about it here. The Palestinians - how in the hell did that little election work out? Yeah, huh?

I Knew Barry Goldwater, Barry Goldwarer Was a.....

I'm not exactly sure what Barry Goldwater meant when he said that, "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice". But I am pretty sure that he didn't envision it meaning that we ought to be throwing rocks, making death threats, etc.. The Republicans, folks, really need to condemn this extreme behavior and, yeah, they need to do it quickly. The way that I see it, it is far, FAR, better to sacrifice a tea-partier or two than it is to lose the middle, the moderates, independents, etc..

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Reaching Across the Something

Here's a good one, folks. One of the provisions that the Republicans want to make to the health-care bill is a stipulation that registered sex offenders not be provided erectile dysfunction medication. Hm, I'm wondering here. Is there's going to be any major controversy with THAT one? LOL My personal sense tells me that we're looking at some real bipartisanship - and, yes, SOON!!

The Bills have It

While I certainly have issues/concerns about the recently passed health-care bill, I also think that it's at least somewhat hyperbolic to call it a massive government takeover. I mean, certainly, we're going to have to hire an additional 16,000 IRS agents to enforce it and all but, really, think about it here. Isn't it also such that the insurance companies and pharmaceuticals stand to benefit greatly from this? And, yes, what about, too, the fact that this bill is very much similar Romney's Massachusetts plan? You certainly can't go around calling Obama a Socialist and not Governor Romney. Romney himself ABSOLUTELY better not.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Bribe? What Bribe?

I'm wondering, now that Congressman Stupak has changed his mind and voted, yes, on the health-care bill, will Rachel Maddow continue that hard-hitting investigation of hers (you know, the one in which she basically accuses him of taking dirty money to pay for his room in D.C.)? Or, OR, will she suddenly decide that, hey, he isn't such an bad fellow after all and, yeah, turn her claws onto another person instead? I don't know. Me, I'm suspecting that it's probably going to be choice #2.

Reply to Soros Proxy, Revisited

The "Palestinians" (the true lineage of these peoples is actually upwards of 50 countries) were offered nearly ALL of what they were requesting (at least when they weren't speaking in Arabic) in 2000. Arafat (who never once in his entire murderous existence ever really wanted a true peace) said to Barak and President Clinton, "screw you", and started another idiotic intifada. And it wasn't the first time that they (the "Palestinians") said, no. They also said, screw you, to the Peel Commission in 1937, and to the U.N. (33-14 - the only no votes were the rough-neck and thuggish regimes of the day) in 1947. YES, the settlements were a mistake. But to say that these are an impediment to peace is ludicrous. There have been many time-frames when the settlements were frozen and STILL the terrorism continued. Whenever the Jews have a willing partner (i.e., Sadat and King Hussein - yeah, the same fellow who slaughtered 20,000 "Palestinians" during Black September) for peace, they've made that peace............................................................................................As for this whole , "the Jews are Europeans" thing, the real truth is that hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees fled, HELLO, Arab and Muslim lands to migrate to Israel (yes, there were actually TWO refugee crises in 1948) - leaving behind ALL of their property and valuables - this, to escape a litany of repressive regimes that had persecuted/shat upon them for centuries (obviously, there were many Europeans, too, trying to escape from the Holocaust - an event that was fully supported by the despicable Mufti, etc.). And let us not forget, either, that 75-80% of the British Mandate was lopped off and illegally given to the Arabs in the form of Transjordan - a country that ruled the West Bank from 1948-1967 and never once offered the "Palestinians" their precious state. I'm sorry, but I'm getting just a little satiated with all of this hand-wringing for a group that really thought that Adolph Hitler was the bomb.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

I Knew Ronald Reagan, Ronald Reagan Was a.....

A lot of people have tried to equate Sarah Palin with Ronald Reagan. I don't know, maybe it has to do with the fact that they're both conservative and, yeah, have/had a fair degree of charisma, too. But, really, think about it. Once in fact you peel away at the bulk of this exterior, is it really a comparison that makes a lot of sense? Reagan, whatever you have to say about his politics, his record, etc., was an extremely intelligent man. He was 1) a voracious reader and 2) a person quite capable of critical thought (yes, of which he utilized to create his own personal world view). Palin (while not necessarily the imbecile she's constantly made out to be) - she, on the other hand, has shown us, the public, precious little. I mean, I still can't believe that she wants to be President!..................................................................................................And, really, if in fact she truly does respect Reagan/his legacy, what a better way to prove it than by stepping aside. Yes, me-buckos, even metals such as nickel tarnish eventually.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Miscellaneous 8

1) I hate to say that I told you so, BUT I kinda' did. Remember when I said that President Obama would, if he ended up thinking it beneficial to him, totally forget about his feud with Fox and mosey on over there. Well, clearly he did, didn't he (allowing himself to be interviewed on "Special Report" by Bret Baier)? Why? Who the hell knows why. Maybe he thought that it would help him out in the health-care debate or something. I mean, he certainly didn't do it to boost THEIR ratings. I mean, we can all agree on that, right?.....2) Speaking of Fox, I have to admit that they've actually made some good additions of late. On "Special Report", for instance, A. B. Stoddard is seemingly now a regular on the "panel". I mean, granted, she's usually sandwiched between Charles Krauthammer and Steven Hayes/Bill Kristol but, still, hers is a political analysis that is quite crisp/rarely partisan. And, yes, on the Chris Wallace Sunday program, who in the hell did they have on that panel but John Podesta. You can't get too much more liberal than that fellow. As to whether either of these two additions are, in and of themselves, sufficient, they obviously aren't. But they are in fact quite positive and, yeah, I thought that I'd point them out to you......3) While I don't necessarily agree with Cosmic Cowboy's feelings on Senator Kennedy (I do, for instance, think that his legislative abilities/capacity to work across the aisle were formidable), I do think that it's important to keep alive the memory of M.J. Kopechne. That young girl didn't get a chance to benefit from his or anybody's legislation. That, and, yeah, I'm pretty sure that SHE had a family, too......4) Bettijo, if you're out there, I've got three little words for you; you da best. That's it. That's all I gotta say.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Nature of the Least

Here, folks, is a perfect example of just how despicable Slade Leeds/Bradley Hadley can get at times. I'm over there at the echo chamber, right.....and these two idiots start accusing me of not criticizing Senator McCain (over his recent flip-flop on "don't ask, don't tell") or Liz Cheney (over her new-found/hyperbolic criticisms of the Obama justice department) - a bald-faced lie, in other words. I respond to this by pointing out the specific posts in which I DO criticize them and, yeah, you got it, folks, THEY CHANGE THE GOALPOSTS.....YET AGAIN!! This, in that they proceed to tell me that I what I write here, on my blog (where, yes, I probably do 80-90% of my blogging, mind you), is quite immaterial. My opinions only count if I write them over there. I mean, talk about bizarre shit, huh?.....................................................................................................But no, it doesn't stop there. In a recent/yet another effort to make me look bad, what do these damn frigging idiots do.....but quote me, not from over there, mind you,.....but, BOOM, STRAIGHT FROM FRIGGING HERE!!! Yep, you got it, this immaterial blog, as they so often refer to it as, they suddenly think that they can start using it as a source - but only, of course, when it rates to THEIR advantage. I mean, I don't know about you folks, but the way that I see it, you either allow the use of a source.....OR you don't. And you certainly don't cherry-pick, for Christ. THAT absolutely is a given.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Oh, What Might Have Been

There have obviously been a lot of great boxers over the years; Joe Louis, Rocky Marciano, Muhammad Ali, Sugar Ray Robinson, Henry Armstrong, Carlos Monzon, Sugar Ray Leonard, Marvin Hagler, Roberto Duran (as a lightweight, I'm saying), Alexis Arguello, Roy Jones Jr., etc., etc. (please, forgive me if I've omitted your favorite). But, if I had to pick out only one as the best, I think that I'd have to go with 1980s featherweight champion, Salvador Sanchez.........................................................................................For those of you who are too young to remember, Sanchez was the featherweight champion from February 1980, all the way until his death (from an automobile crash) in August of 1982 (nine successful title defenses were registered). His overall record was 44-1-1 (his only loss coming in 1977 - at age 18 - to the much more experienced bantamweight champion, Antonio Becerra, a split decision no less) with 32 knockouts. Among his victims were Danny "little red" Lopez (from whom he took the featherweight title from, and whose face was twice turned into hamburg), Rueben Castillo, Juan Laporte (ultimately a champion himself), Wilfredo Gomez (previously thought of as indestructible), Pat Cowdell (an Olympic medalist), Jorge Garcia, Roberto Castanon, and, yes, perhaps most impressive of all, future hall of famer, Azumah Nelson (Sanchez's final challenger)...............................................................................................But even more impressive than all of this was the classy way that he went about it. Sanchez, folks, was a consummate professional - inside the ring and outside, too. He was voted by Ring magazine as boxer of the year in 1981 (sharing that honor with Sugar Ray Leonard). And, yes, folks, in 1991 he was finally elected (posthumously) into the Boxing Hall of Fame - an extraordinary accomplishment for somebody who only lived to be 23. Who really knows how truly great he might have become.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Houses of Shrill Repute

1) The Republicans (in Congress) obviously HAVEN'T helped the Dems (the fact that this surprises people perplexes me). But theoretically, with huge majorities in both houses of Congress, they really didn't need to. It was the Democratic party that couldn't get its respective act together. 2) This, and people also have to realize that each of these Senators and Congressmen has his/her own unique constituency. What gets Mr. Weiner (a liberal) votes in New York isn't necessarily going to get Mr. Shuler (a "blue-dog") votes in North Carolina. 3) And, yes, overall, we probably ARE a "center" (Mr.s O'Reilly and Hannity would probably say "center-right" but, yeah, screw them, right?) country. The "progressive" wing of the Democratic party isn't going to get all that it wants - more than likely. I'm not necessarily arguing that that's a good thing or bad thing - only that it seems to be a reality.

Yeah, I'm Talking to You, Leeds (Bartlebee, Bradley Hadley, Etc.)

Amongst the central tenets of neoconservatism are 1) preemptive wars, 2) nation-building, and 3) the spreading of Western style democracy via American power (hard AND soft). To say, folks, that I have been a consistent opponent of all these tenets is a huge understatement. This, and, yet, I continue to be accused by those on the lunatic fringe of actually/secretly harboring these very same sensibilities. I mean, seriously, how incredible is THAT?............................................................................................Of course, I am also on the record as saying that George W. Bush was at least partially responsible for 9/11, that his efforts (his decision to/his management of) in Iraq have, at the very least, been counterproductive, and that, yes, his inability/unwillingness to go after the lower hanging fruit in Afghanistan, etc. was itself a blunder. This, and, yes (part 2), I continue to be accused by these same douche-bags of being, not a critic of President Bush but actually a secret admirer of him. I mean, certainly, I've defended the poor bastard at times against Hitler comparisons and stuff like that (as have liberal commentators such as Joe Conason), but, please/come on, "one of the bottom five worst presidents in U.S. history" - that isn't exactly a ringing endorsement, now is it?

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Funniest (As in Unintentionally So) Movie Line Ever

"THEY TOOKS MY MILK!!!".....Oprah Winfrey, "Beloved"...................................................................................................I mean, yes, I know that Winfrey loves Toni Morrison (hell, I love Toni Morrison) and all but, PLEASE, maybe hire a few professionals next time. I'm just saying here/talking out loud.....................................................................................................P.S. Yes, I know that Oprah was once nominated for an Oscar ("The Color Purple"). But that, HELLO, was 1985. Acting, at least from what I can gather, ISN'T something that you dabble in - even if your name is Oprah Winfrey, billionaire.

Friday, March 12, 2010

"I Know I Am, But What Are You"

I don't know about you folks, but, to me, that whole the "Republicans did it, too" argument is really starting to wear thin. I mean, certainly, the Republicans also wasted a lot of money/accumulated way too much in debt (hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they had had a Cornhusker Kickback/Louisiana Purchase or two) - NO QUESTION ABOUT IT! This, and, yes, me-buckos, they also got us bogged down in Iraq (this, I'm saying, as opposed to President Obama's surge in Afghanistan). But, please, that was then. To quote a Mr. Bill O'Reilly (yeah, you heard me right), "You can't justify bad behavior with other bad behavior." It just doesn't fly.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The 800 (Perhaps Closer to 130) Pound Second Generational Ramrod in the Room

I found it curious that, on a day in which Liz Cheney damn near makes a total fool out of herself (issuing a blanket condemnation of all lawyers who've defended terror suspects and, yes, in so doing, having her ass handed to her by people from all across the political spectrum), Bill O'Reilly begins "The Factor" instead with a lambasting of Sean Penn. Yep, that's right, folks, Sean Penn (who, I will admit it, does talk shit from time to time) . Wow, huh? I mean, talk about a diversion (O'Reilly and Fox veering away from conservative buffoonery/embarrassment and instead focusing in on a liberal stooge - an actor, no less) here. That, my friends, is a major-league/lollapalooza of a one.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It Depends on Wherever You're At (Apologies to Van Morrison)

Rachel Maddow has become very adept at pointing out right-wing hypocrisy (this, of course, while totally ignoring left-wing hypocrisy). Sean Hannity - he, on the other hand, is extremely adept at pointing out left-wing hypocrisy (this, of course, while totally ignoring right-wing hypocrisy). The basic bottom-line, folks - BOTH sides/parties are VERY hypocritical. This, in that, yes, back when the Republicans were in charge, not only did they use this reconciliation, they also hated filibusters. This, in that, ditto, back when the Democrats were in the minority, those blankety-blanks HATED reconciliation/LOVED filibusters. I mean, talk about some situational ethics, huh? Now, of course, the roles are reversed and, yeah, the hypocrisy continues oozefully................................................................................................On a related issue, I'm curious as to how the lot of these partisan Dems will react when/if President Obama flip-flops on trying KSM in federal courts, and, yes, decides instead to try him in a military tribunal. Olbermann, for instance, what'll he do? Will he gently admonish the President. OR, will he simply ignore the topic altogether? I mean, you gotta know that he'll absolutely/flat-out refuse to lambaste him. This, in that, no, his DNA alone won't allow for that.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Note to Sean Hannity

Dear Mr. Hannity, President Obama was not "anointed". He was ELECTED. And he was elected decidedly so. I mean, I know that you don't particularly care for him and all but, please, could you at least try and respect the process here/the office of the Presidency? I tried to do that when Bush was President (defended him over charges of Nazism, etc.).

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Unpleasing, To Say the Least

Rachel Maddow is obviously much cuter than Limbaugh. One could argue that she's smarter, too. But, folks, I'm telling you here, the woman has basically been doing a lot of the same shtick. I mean, clearly, we all know about Mr. Limbaugh/the fact that the President just can't do a damn thing right for him (not even the way that the President handled the Somali pirate situation was good enough) - day after day after day. That, my friends, is absolutely a given. But, yes, what about Ms. Maddow? Are not the tactics of this gal at least somewhat comparable? I mean, just look at the way that the lady's been treating Massachusetts's newly elected Senator Brown. In the Senator's very first vote, he actually broke with the Republicans and voted in favor of the Democrats' jobs bill. Hm, you'd think that that particular vote would have pleased little miss liberality. Apparently, it did not. For, instead of commending Senator Brown, she instead used the story as a pretext to attack him again. Can you'all say Rachel Limbaugh?

Saturday, March 6, 2010

And the Top-Billing Goes To....

While it may be true that Frank won the Oscar/Clift brilliantly held it all together playing the tormented G.I., Burt Lancaster's contributions to "From Here to Eternity" shouldn't, in any way/shape/form, EVER be diminished. I especially (for example) love that scene in which he preempted the fight between Sinatra and Ernest Borgnine. Remember that one, folks - Fatso/Borgnine wanting such a rumble but, BOOM, Lancaster busting up the whiskey bottle and staring him down with it? And, really, who in his right mind will ever forget that roll in the surf with Deborah Kerr, that simultaneously touching and acerbic reaction of his to Clift getting shot, the way that he understatedly responded to Clift playing his muted taps, etc.? I mean, certainly, I know that he had that cadence thing and all but.....

Maybe Larouche Was On to Something After All

"The Khmer Rouge are murderous thugs. But we won't let that stand in our way."....Henry Kissinger (this, upon friendly American overtures to this dastardly regime), 1975.............................................................................................Wow, huh? Talk about some nasty realpolitik.

Friday, March 5, 2010

" I Am (As in Used to Be) the Greatest!!

I have a lot of respect for Floyd Mayweather. I might even go as far as to call him the premiere boxer of recent memory (i.e., the last twenty years or so). But, folks, I'm afraid that I also have to tell you here, I don't think that this present version of Mr. Mayweather (still an excellent fighter, mind you) wants anything to do with a Mr. Manny Pacquiao. I mean, did you the former on "Pardon the Interruption" the other night? The fellow didn't even want to talk about Paquiao. He wouldn't even say Paquiao's name, for Christ! Not that I necessarily blame him, mind you. This, in that, seriously, have you seen Paquiao lately? That son of a bitch is a buzz-saw, for Christ!! And I'm telling you here, if in fact you don't believe me, just ask Miguel Cotto. He made that poor bastard look like a frigging statue...............................................................................................Still, though, it is kind of hard to watch - Mayweather so obviously ducking an opponent like this. It's pathetic/sad, in effect. I mean, seriously here, don't you think so?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Miscellaneous 7

1) I don't know about the rest of you but, in my mind, one of the more memorable clips from that health care summit was the one in which Senator McConnell started bitching and moaning. You remember it, right - the part in which he started whining about this supposed lack of time that the Republicans were getting to plead their case? Yeah, huh. Well, guess what, folks, the guy was being a complete/total/petty asshole/nincompoop. This, me-buckos, in that, yeah, he was actually including the President's opening (and, yeah, mostly nonpolitical) remarks as part of the Democrats' time block. But, clearly, even more egregious than that was the idiot's obliviousness as to the purpose of the summit. It WASN'T supposed to be a debate/public spectacle. It was supposed to be a negotiation. And while, yes, I'm totally aware that the Democrats treated it like a circus, too, I'm sorry, Mitch McConnell - he sure as hell gets the biggest turkey award in my mind, hands frigging down!.....2) Not that I recommend dumping trash into the ocean, mind you, but, please, you gotta trust me on this one. Whenever you do dump it in, the trash - it goes in EVERY direction, not just to the left/right. And, yes, so, too, is it unpredictable. This, in that just when you think you've got a handle on it.........3) I have to admit it, folks, I actually kind of liked Rachel Maddow at first. I found her to be witty, nice, and, yes, even a little open-minded at times. But now, I don't know, I'm not nearly so certain anymore. I mean, seriously, have you seen her lately? She has gotten to be as incessantly (not to mention, sarcastically) partisan as any of them. And the fact that she seems to be so incredibly pleased with herself - THAT is starting to get me a little queasy, too. Thankfully, the woman got "schooled" a little bit the other night. She had Democratic party chairman, Tim Kaine, on. And, yes, of course, she had to tell Mr. Kaine just how disappointed she was that the President has decided to support the moderate Democrat, Blanche Lincoln, in the Arkanasas primary. Mr. Kaine, trying to be diplomatic, responded by pointing out the obvious. He told her that this whole "left-right and center" thing is a highly relative concept, that it ultimately hinges on factors such as geography, etc.. Fair enough, right? Ms. Maddow's response? Yeah, you got it, a quick commercial break.

Monday, March 1, 2010

"Get Your Hands Off....."

It's too bad that the first thing that comes to most people's minds when they hear the name, Charlton Heston, is guns. I mean, I know that the NRA hasn't exactly been a reasonable pressure group and all but, folks, come on, it was only a singular part of Mr. Heston's life. The fellow also starred in some of the most memorable Hollywood films EVER. We obviously all know about "Ben Hur" and "The Ten Commandments". But, even beyond that, there was (Orson Welles's) "Touch of Evil", "The Big Country", "El Cid", "The Greatest Show on Earth" (a best picture Oscar in 1952), "The Agony and the Ecstasy", and, yes, for my money, "Major Dundee", too. And, yes, even his more futuristic/"out there" films ("Planet of the Apes", "Soylent Green", "The Naked Jungle") were worthy (this, in that they got us to think and speculate) as well. SO, let me to ask you something here. Is it, folks, too much to ask that we give this fellow respect/his this regard, too? I mean, I hope that we haven't gotten that jaded in life - really and truly.