Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Blog Ruiners

You cannot reason with paranoid partisan stooges. It's impossible. But, what you can do is underscore their lies in a manner that allows for those on the normal end of the spectrum to decide for themselves..............................................................................................LIE NUMBER ONE - I have "finally" decided to criticize the right. The real truth, folks, is that I've been criticizing elements of the right from day one (April 23, 2007). In fact, my very first post was called "Love-Fest With DeLay", a piece in which I sharply criticize O'Reilly for his powder-puff interview with the former minority leader. And, yes, I've been sharply critical of former President Bush (his mishandling of the war, especially) and his apologists in the media...........................................................................................LIE NUMBER TWO - I am a strong supporter of Senator McCain. The real truth here, folks, is that I have in fact been very critical of Senator McCain (I once referred to him as Bush on steroids) and DIDN'T vote for him. I've been critical of his flip-flopping and, yes, highly critical of what I've perceived to be a nasty/bellicose foreign policy. I have defended him at times, but only when 1) he was accused of being a North Vietnamese collaborator, 2) his war record was viciously attacked (one blogger went as far as to blame him for when his plane was annihilated by friendly fire, and 3) when he was "diagnosed" as having Alzheimer's............................................................................................LIE NUMBER THREE - I didn't criticize Senator McCain for his flip-flopping on "don't ask, don't tell". This lie is an easy one to disprove. On February 4, in a post entitled, "Miscellaneous 4", I criticized the Senator in no uncertain terms FOR EXACTLY THIS.................................................................................................LIE NUMBER FOUR - I failed to criticize Liz Cheney for her intemperate comments on the Justice Department. Again, this is an easy one to disprove. On March 11, in a post entitled, "The 800 Pound Second Generational Ramrod in the Room", I criticized her and, yes, I did it sharply................................................................................................LIE NUMBER FIVE - Keith Olbermann criticizes Obama far more than I criticize the right. This one, in particular, is ridiculous. Yes, Olbermann will on occasion chastise (gently, VERY GENTLY) the President. But it is ALWAYS when the President isn't liberal ENOUGH, never, ever, when his liberalism runs amok. Compare this to me, a person who has literally written hundred of post that criticize the right for being TOO RIGHT..........................................................................................LIE NUMBER SIX (and, yes, it's late, so this is going to be the last one) - I didn't condemn the violence and death threats that came from those Tea Party members. Not only, folks, did I condemn these actions (March 24, "I Knew Barry Goldwater..."), I criticized Fox News (March 27, "One Network's Innuendo....") for their whitewashing of them. It's like, WHAT, these frigging partisans can't read?


  1. So you cant show a single shred of honesty and decency and admit YOU LIED and retract your lies and post the truth........instead you have to stoop to deflecting and dodging the truth like a lying concern troll!

  2. 65% of customers is a misnomer, Willy. Well over half of the state's population lives in a triangle formed by the suburbs of Cincinnati, the cities of Lexington and Louisville.

    The ice storm hit south west of that geographical area, where Clif ACTUALLY lives.

    But continue to attack him, with your cherry picked facts and LIES Willy.

    And give crusty more free passes when the proof he wrote the hate filled comments is irrefutable and your's is a fact that has nothing to do with where Clif actually lived.

  3. Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
    Mike, I don't think that the sun revolves around me (have you ever asked Cliffy that ?) at all. But I do know depravity when I see it."

    Seems pretty depraved to me to DENY FACTS and lie to justify slandering a veteran who risked his life to defend your sorry ass Willy.

    Also seems pretty depraved to tell a bald faced lie smearing and slandering Keith Olberman and Ed Shultz by emphatically and irrefutably CLAIMING they said something they NEVER ACTUALLY DID.

    You just cant get much more DISHONEST THAN THAT!!!

  4. Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
    even if it ISN'T Clif, it was him who created this situation (the fact that he lied so many times previously and, hence, made it nearly impossible to trust him)."

    Hey mr Kettle please enlighten us as to EXACTLY what you "CLAIM" Clif has lied about multiple times..........because the ONLY ONES around here who are PROVEN LIARS are YOU and your buddy CRUSTY!!!

    Crusty has been caught dead to rights lying about posting that he supported a terrorist who planned to murder police.........that OR he is letting OTHERS use his sock puppet to insult harrass and spread hatred JUST LIKE A CERTAIN NICHOLAS DID ON YOUR BLOG WILLY..........and YOU support this and find him AMUSING!!

    YOU have been caught LYING about something YOU CLAIMED Keith Olberman and Ed Shultz said that they NEVER ACTUALLY SAID......and you have Never admitted your lie to honestly set the record straight.

    You have Also lied about Clif posting as Nicholas When it was impossible for him to have done CHOOSE to deny facts and LIE in both instances when the facts are have done so in the above incidents and you have consistently done so on a great mant other instances Willy..........WHY IS THAT?

  5. You deny facts like a goosestepping partisan hack supporting someone condoning a bunch of terrorists plotting to murder police officers...........what you people do is not so different from those who supported people who denied facts and murdered people for saying the earth wasnt flat or revolved around the sun.

    it is very easy to verify who is posting all you have to do is look at the blogger ID Number and you would see that the blogger ID numbers for the crusty supporting and condoning the terrorists and attacking people JUST like Nicholas did you have the EXACT same ID number..........yey YOU CHOOSE TO DENY RATION FACTS AND LOGIC AND INSTEAD SUPPORT A PARTISAN TROLL SPREADING HATRED AND HARRASSING OTHERS JUST LIKE NICHOLAS DID TO YOU WILLY.........WHY IS THAT??

  6. Mike, these are the same comments that you put on the other thread. Please, be original. I already addressed Rusty's (or whoever's) comment in a previous thread. I asked him to remember that a large chunk of those drug dealer's customers are white kids from the suburbs and I also told him that fully support gay rights. If that's not enough for you, that's fine. You can go ballistic enough for the both of us.

  7. Funny Willy, you go all gibberish ballistic when somebody you hate says something you dislike, but when crusty defends terrorists who wanted to committee mass murder against police, and the ID number proves it is him, even though he directly lied to you about it, you poo poo it all.

    Very revealing, Willy.

  8. See that Will,if you leave crumbs on the floor you're likely to see anything crawl in.

  9. Will, feel free to come down here to my house in South Carolina. I'll buy the beer and we can sit on the deck and talk trash about everyone. People just take this stuff too damn serious.

    In a hundred years all this shit will be forgotten, we will more than likely all be speaking Chinese but thats something to worry about another time.

  10. Where in SC? I used to live in Greenville.

  11. See that Will,if you leave crumbs on the floor you're likely to see anything crawl in.

    Like, crusty the liar.

  12. It sounds like a good time, double b. hey, maybe we can go to the South Carolina-Clemson game (football, basketball, baseball, etc.) and, yeah, you got it, ROOT LIKE HELL FOR CLEMSON!!

  13. Alright, here's the deal. Rusty, if you actually said these things (I know nothing about the cop killing terrorist stuff - I'll probably have to go back and look for that one), yeah, you should probably just fess up and take the medicine. We all say things from time to time that go grossly over the top (well, except, of course, for Mike - he never uses hyperbole). Of course, if you didn't say these things....Are you saying that Bartlebee hacked into your account?

  14. One of the things that bugs me about these Lydia people, is that so readily miss the point of what I'm actually trying to say. Like with this whole Keith Olbermann not liking military tribunals (they supposedly don't offer the terrorists the level of Constitutional protection he seems to think is necessary). I mean, come on here, that was a given. 99% of the people who read that part wouldn't have even blinked an eye (whether I used the word, evil, or not). And it wasn't even a criticism (this, in that I may actually agree with him that federal trials are better, that they put the United States in a better light, etc.), either. My point had more to do with MEDIA COVERAGE. I wanted to know how the hyperpartisan Olbermann would respond if this President that he so faithfully supports flip-flopped and instead pushed more for these dreaded military tribunals. They totally missed this point and instead focused on one word that I literally put no thought into using. I find the whole thing very frustrating and, yeah, because of that, I should seriously think to curtail any future interactions with them.

  15. Once again....I did not write what the LC nitwits are posting.Worf was and I think is again LC administrator and I refuse to address those two fools.How they come up with some ID number I have no idea nor do I care.
    Look back at what worf did to you over there a few weeks ago,the fool posted about 100 one line post saying the same thing over and over.
    Worf reminds of the fat kid everyone had in their grade school class.The one who was picked last in dodgeball.The one who always had crumbs and food stains on his shirt front.The one who always was raising his hand and saying...."Miss Crabtree,Miss Crabtree Rusty said a bad word...Miss Crabtree,Miss Crabtree Will does'nt know the answer...Miss Crabtree Rusty and Will are picking on me." Yea thats still him alrighty.
    Will,you may choose to engage in one of his childish gotcha games but I do not.
    I could care less what he either says or his opinions.

  16. If he did hack my account so be it...again I could care less about that fool or his partner.

    Worf/bart wrecked Lydias blog and its obvious shes about given up on it.Having no where to go he's now at your place trying the same tactics.

    The only thing missing at this point is one of his tearful farewell posts.You know the nobody loves me,I'm leaving one.

  17. Looks like that dispicable murdering terrorist that Rusty was in here supporting and defending a few months back got life in prison just like he deserved!

    You sure do support and defend LOTS or terrorists Rusty............birds of a a feather aye?

  18. Still DENYING Facts as usual Willy!

  19. Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
    Alright, here's the deal. Rusty, if you actually said these things (I know nothing about the cop killing terrorist stuff - I'll probably have to go back and look for that one),"

    Hey Willy you "OBVIOUSLY" read the quote mr anonymous kindly reposted of Rusty the terrorist supporter saying that when YOU DEFENDED HIM DAYING YOU DONT THINK HE"S CAPABLE OF SAYING there you go again with yet aNOTHER LIE!!

  20. Um crusty,the ID number is in the link to your identity on blogger;

    Each blogger has their own ID number;

    Mikes is: 08956882396669105125

    Willy's is: 02315659209094683602

    Beach Bum's is: 11000824454124236774

    Worf's is: 00743348341031023539

    Voltron's is: 15415495177472751193

    Mine is: 07873228695736246473

    and your's is: 07542939496226150263

    See crusty even though you and I have closed our blogger identity, the number still shows up in the Http address at the top of the page for who is the poster for each and every comment.

    Both the racist comment and the denial you posted here go to the same Blogger ID page.

    Sorry but numbers do not lie like you do.

    Blogger issues these ID numbers when you sign up, sorry for the facts, but facts still count in the reality based world.

    Like Willy said, own up to the comment, and move on.

    Or continue to lie about it.

  21. Mike, you said one time that I "claimed" to have voted for Obama, that I "claimed" to have been working that Sunday when the sock-puppet struck. It was like, no, I don't at all claim those thing. I actually did them. You wouldn't accept my word as fact. But NOW, now that you're going around CLAIMING THINGS, I'm supposed to accept these things as facts. I'm sorry, fella', but life just doesn't work that way.

  22. Rusty, I don't know who anybody is anymore. I mean, yeah, I know that Thelonius is Bartlebee, and that anonymous (I'm surprised that that handle was still available LOL) is either Bartlebee or Clif. But beyond that, man oh man, it's anybody's guess/a Kafka novelette.

  23. Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
    Rusty, I don't know who anybody is anymore."

    The first "HONEST" thing you've said in a long time........First Nicholas was Clif then I think you even accused me then it was Clid AGAIN then Bartlebee.........that shows your powers of perception are shall we say lacking...........face it the sock puppets could be the man in the moon for all you know Willy.

    As for my CLAIM that the power was off in where Clif lives........the power was off in the majority of the state for 1-2 weeks it was a state of emergency with no heat or electricity in the dead of winter and you see to think CLIF was only concerned with harrasssing YOU..........but then thats ALWAYS been your problem Willy you consistently deny and ignore facts.

    And I KNOW where Clif lives Willy.........but continue to believe your lies and delusions AS ALWAYS instead of manning up actually examining the facts and accepting the TRUTH........something you wouldnt know if it bit you on your snout.

  24. Why do you ALWAYS deflect by babbling random BS like you have Tourettes or something instead of actually responding to and addressing what I post..........gotta deflect and distract from all your lies and concern trolling aye Willy?

  25. Nice to see Willy, still trying to ignore the lie in the room.

    Even when it is pointed out for him.

    Nice way he is so "non-partisan" when it come to ignoring right wing people and their blatant lies, but uses innuendo and his stupid claim "everybody knows" which is not proof of anything, (Fox News and O'Rielly used that one for years Willy) when he is attacking people who are to the left of him.

    But you claim to be so non partisan, too bad your actions say different.

  26. Message to the Mooks...A.K.A. Worf and Mike.

    The really good thing about this blog is that Will is indeed by any definition a moderate.Another good thing about this blog is that Will is secure enough to accept opinions
    other then his without reverting to constant name calling and a gotcha game.

    The people posting here run from far left to far right.From Mad Mike to Volt and I to Will and Beach Bum in the middle.Unlike you two Will is more then (pardon this) willing to hear and respond to different views without going off the rails.

    Will's posting's about movies and sports are a breath of fresh air.Yet you two take it upon youselves to again and again try to denigrate him and I must say to his credit he always takes the high road with you guys,a road neither of you have ever ridden.

    Yes,now you two are hear.I'm willing to guess and take a bet no one posting here gives a crap about anything you have to say or your opinions,I could be wrong but dont think so.

    I'd guess this weekend there will be a posting about Butler,WV,Duke or Mich St..Believe me it will be welcomed and I'm sure insightful.

    Beach Bum posted an open invite for Will to visit him in SC.You know, I agree with BB,I think Will would be a good guy to sit down and have a beer with.

    You two on the other hand....I doubt very much if any other guy would want to be within 100 yards of either one of you.

  27. Looks like your murdering terrorist buddy Scott Roeder is going to jail for..........kinda like those other terrorists you supported plotting to mURDER police officers.

    always said you fringe far right morons were just like the terrorists and supported terrorism..........your OWN WORDS confirm just how tragically pathetic you hateful fringe wack jobs REALLY are despite what you "PRETEND" to be.

  28. Crusty still trying to push a lie like his masters Bush and Rove did for years.

    Willy is like Judith miller playing dumb while enabling a right wing liar.

  29. Message to the Mooks...A.K.A. Worf and Mike.


    without reverting to constant name calling and a gotcha game.

    Does anybody else see a self contradiction here?

    Complaining about name calling because of ideological perspective ... right after doing so.

    All because he got caught in a big lie.

  30. Miss Crabtree,Miss Crabtree,Miss Crabtree.....Rusty's making fun of me....please Miss Crabtree make him stop...he's making me cry Miss Crabtree.

  31. Crusty,

    calm down,

    nobody is making fun of you,

    just pointing out your obvious lies,

    and hypocrissy about name calling.


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