Friday, March 26, 2010

Something Fishy After All?

As much as I hate to jump on the bandwagon here, I'm afraid that, yes, I'm really and truly going to have to. It appears, folks, more and more as if the Republicans have indeed been playing games with this health-care issue. Please, allow me to give you several of the smoking-guns...........................................................................................1) When the Wyden-Bennett health plan (considered by many to be MORE radical than the current legislation) was first put forth in 2007, it had a total of NINE Republican co-sponsors (included here were conservatives, Trent Lott and, yes, Judd Greg). And even when it was reintroduced in 2009, it still had a total of four (a Republican op-ed responding to an Ezra Klein column indicated that there would actually be far more than just those four supporters). And 2) Back in 1993, when the Republicans were putting for an alternative to "Hillary care", the proposal that they (Senators Grassley and Hatch were the two up-front, I believe) came up with was in fact quite similar to what the Democratic plan is peddling NOW (and, yes, folks, this absolutely included individual mandates)!!...............................................................................................Of course/if in fact you were near disposed to, a person could also conceivably say that, "Well, the times have clearly changed, the budget-deficit, yada, yada." Hm, I don't know, though. I'm not so sure. Part of me is starting to think that the left may have actually been right on this one; the Republicans basically wanting to embarrass the President, deliver to the fellow a crushing defeat, etc...................................................................................................P.S. This post wasn't in any way meant to critical or supportive to anybody.....or anything. I merely wrote it to underscore what I now perceive to be a much more ambiguous situation. Thank you very much.

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