Thursday, March 11, 2010

The 800 (Perhaps Closer to 130) Pound Second Generational Ramrod in the Room

I found it curious that, on a day in which Liz Cheney damn near makes a total fool out of herself (issuing a blanket condemnation of all lawyers who've defended terror suspects and, yes, in so doing, having her ass handed to her by people from all across the political spectrum), Bill O'Reilly begins "The Factor" instead with a lambasting of Sean Penn. Yep, that's right, folks, Sean Penn (who, I will admit it, does talk shit from time to time) . Wow, huh? I mean, talk about a diversion (O'Reilly and Fox veering away from conservative buffoonery/embarrassment and instead focusing in on a liberal stooge - an actor, no less) here. That, my friends, is a major-league/lollapalooza of a one.


  1. Sean Penn? Whatever for? He went from being a very, very bad boy, who, as you say occasionally talks shit, to a humanitarian on a global scale. Only Faux News could object to that.

  2. You're right, Mike. He has done a lot of good work recently (though, yeah, I am sometimes cynical of the motives of these Hollywood types). I just have a problem with this constant stroking of Hugo Chavez. I mean, no, maybe he isn't as bad as the far right has made him out to be. But, come on, he is at least somewhat dictatorial. Cannot Mr. Penn find himself another hero?

  3. "When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." Mark Twain

    Will, I'm extremely cynical right now over all the crap. That quote above sums it up for me and it will stay that way until there is some shock to the system so extreme that the house of cards falls or people pull their heads out their asses.

    At the end of the movie that had Alec Guinness playing Marcus Aurelius the Roman Senate finally offers the hero of the movie Emperor of the Roman Empire.

    The hero responds to the senate that he would not take the job because that if he took the position his first action would be to crucify all the chumps that brought disaster to Rome. That is about how I feel right now.

    Yes, Old Hugo is a petty dictator but rich with oil money and Penn would be far better served snuggling up to Evo Morales of Bolivia who even some righties will grudgingly admit is only looking after his people after centuries of exploitation.

  4. THAT is an awesome quote. If only I could cast a vote for Mr. Clemens. Seriously, double b, it can't be any worse than the 2 I wasted on Ross Perot (now THAT is some serious cynicism, huh?).

  5. I saw that comment about locking up the news reporters. Not exactly one of Mr. Penn's more shining moments.


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