Monday, March 1, 2010

"Get Your Hands Off....."

It's too bad that the first thing that comes to most people's minds when they hear the name, Charlton Heston, is guns. I mean, I know that the NRA hasn't exactly been a reasonable pressure group and all but, folks, come on, it was only a singular part of Mr. Heston's life. The fellow also starred in some of the most memorable Hollywood films EVER. We obviously all know about "Ben Hur" and "The Ten Commandments". But, even beyond that, there was (Orson Welles's) "Touch of Evil", "The Big Country", "El Cid", "The Greatest Show on Earth" (a best picture Oscar in 1952), "The Agony and the Ecstasy", and, yes, for my money, "Major Dundee", too. And, yes, even his more futuristic/"out there" films ("Planet of the Apes", "Soylent Green", "The Naked Jungle") were worthy (this, in that they got us to think and speculate) as well. SO, let me to ask you something here. Is it, folks, too much to ask that we give this fellow respect/his this regard, too? I mean, I hope that we haven't gotten that jaded in life - really and truly.


  1. I remember that! And how 'bout Leigh Taylor Young? Wow, huh?

  2. I totally agree with you Will, and again you have stirred my interest in seeing Soilent Green, I heard about it 30 years ago and wanted to see it since then and many times since then, such is the height of my procrastination... (I gotta go see it)...I mumble to myself.

  3. Edward G. Robinson as the father, Teeluck. How's that for awesome casting?

  4. LOL Voltron! I love Charlton Heston, or should I say loved. While I don't support the Right wing gun nonsense I can overlook Heston's transgressions in favor of Soylent Green and Planet of the Apes.

  5. This is so much more fun, NOT talking about politics. LOL

  6. My favorite of his is Ben Hur. That movie always leaves me with the feeling that I experienced something of life in the Roman Empire. But the Ten Commandments has always held fond memories for me because long before VHS tapes and players my family made a tradition of watching that movie around Easter when it was broadcast on television.

    And a little mango salsa goes well with Soylent Green.

  7. I'm probably going to drop dead for this, double b, but, yeah, true confession - my favorite part of "The Ten Commandments" was Ann Baxter as Queen Neffertiti. Exceedingly smokin' hot, in my opinion.


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