Sunday, March 7, 2010

Unpleasing, To Say the Least

Rachel Maddow is obviously much cuter than Limbaugh. One could argue that she's smarter, too. But, folks, I'm telling you here, the woman has basically been doing a lot of the same shtick. I mean, clearly, we all know about Mr. Limbaugh/the fact that the President just can't do a damn thing right for him (not even the way that the President handled the Somali pirate situation was good enough) - day after day after day. That, my friends, is absolutely a given. But, yes, what about Ms. Maddow? Are not the tactics of this gal at least somewhat comparable? I mean, just look at the way that the lady's been treating Massachusetts's newly elected Senator Brown. In the Senator's very first vote, he actually broke with the Republicans and voted in favor of the Democrats' jobs bill. Hm, you'd think that that particular vote would have pleased little miss liberality. Apparently, it did not. For, instead of commending Senator Brown, she instead used the story as a pretext to attack him again. Can you'all say Rachel Limbaugh?


  1. Senator Brown is in a very curious position because he can't please anyone. I know he pissed Limbaugh and Beck off by siding with the Democrats on the jobs bill and Liberals are still pissed he won. Of course he won partly because the Democrats nominated a dud who practically gave the race to him.

    I sort of feel sorry for the guy because the anti-incumbent mood that was the other reason he won will evaporate soon especially if a Kennedy runs against him 18 months. With you being far closer to Massachusetts than me you know he can't vote straight Republican and expect to keep his seat but the Tea Baggers have little use for compromise.

    Yeah, Rachael is getting shrill.

  2. You're absolutely right. If he ends up straying too far from Olympia Snow and Susan Collins, he'll definitely be cooked. As for Mr.s Limbaugh and Beck, those guys don't even like Lindsey Graham (Limbaugh calls him Senator Grahamnesty).

  3. I think Maddow needs new batteries for her little friend.

  4. I've heard it told that there are dudes out there who'd like to "flip" her. I'm not one of them myself.


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