Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It Depends on Wherever You're At (Apologies to Van Morrison)

Rachel Maddow has become very adept at pointing out right-wing hypocrisy (this, of course, while totally ignoring left-wing hypocrisy). Sean Hannity - he, on the other hand, is extremely adept at pointing out left-wing hypocrisy (this, of course, while totally ignoring right-wing hypocrisy). The basic bottom-line, folks - BOTH sides/parties are VERY hypocritical. This, in that, yes, back when the Republicans were in charge, not only did they use this reconciliation, they also hated filibusters. This, in that, ditto, back when the Democrats were in the minority, those blankety-blanks HATED reconciliation/LOVED filibusters. I mean, talk about some situational ethics, huh? Now, of course, the roles are reversed and, yeah, the hypocrisy continues oozefully................................................................................................On a related issue, I'm curious as to how the lot of these partisan Dems will react when/if President Obama flip-flops on trying KSM in federal courts, and, yes, decides instead to try him in a military tribunal. Olbermann, for instance, what'll he do? Will he gently admonish the President. OR, will he simply ignore the topic altogether? I mean, you gotta know that he'll absolutely/flat-out refuse to lambaste him. This, in that, no, his DNA alone won't allow for that.


  1. It's all about freedom Will.

    The liberals want the freedom of childhood where all your concerns of shelter, food and health are all taken care of, and someone else makes all the decisions.

    Conservatives want the freedom of adulthood where all the concerns of shelter, food and health are your own personal responsibility and YOU make all the decisions, win, lose or draw.

  2. I hear you, Volt. I'm not particularly pleased the Deomocratic approach to health care, either. I just think that we need to do something; some of the things that the Democrats want (a modicum of oversight, for instance) AND some of the things that the Republicans want (purchasing insurance across state lines, for instance). Hopefully we can accomplish these things without trampling too much on individual rights, freedom, etc.. I'm certainly willing to work with you, bro......P.S. Did you see my latest go-around with that Bartlebee sock-puppet? Man, oh man, is that guy nuts.

  3. What the hell was that idiot Bartlebee trying to say over there?
    Then to top it off idiot #2 showed up.

    I dont know how you people feel about it but I think its a bit scary that people like Bart and Mike are walking aroung among us without any markings to identify them.They should have to carry a sign to warn the general population.

  4. Every once in a while I have some hope for Mike. The other guy, though, I have NEVER seen anything quite like him before. He absolutely needs to be monitored.


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