Monday, March 22, 2010

Reply to Soros Proxy, Revisited

The "Palestinians" (the true lineage of these peoples is actually upwards of 50 countries) were offered nearly ALL of what they were requesting (at least when they weren't speaking in Arabic) in 2000. Arafat (who never once in his entire murderous existence ever really wanted a true peace) said to Barak and President Clinton, "screw you", and started another idiotic intifada. And it wasn't the first time that they (the "Palestinians") said, no. They also said, screw you, to the Peel Commission in 1937, and to the U.N. (33-14 - the only no votes were the rough-neck and thuggish regimes of the day) in 1947. YES, the settlements were a mistake. But to say that these are an impediment to peace is ludicrous. There have been many time-frames when the settlements were frozen and STILL the terrorism continued. Whenever the Jews have a willing partner (i.e., Sadat and King Hussein - yeah, the same fellow who slaughtered 20,000 "Palestinians" during Black September) for peace, they've made that peace............................................................................................As for this whole , "the Jews are Europeans" thing, the real truth is that hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees fled, HELLO, Arab and Muslim lands to migrate to Israel (yes, there were actually TWO refugee crises in 1948) - leaving behind ALL of their property and valuables - this, to escape a litany of repressive regimes that had persecuted/shat upon them for centuries (obviously, there were many Europeans, too, trying to escape from the Holocaust - an event that was fully supported by the despicable Mufti, etc.). And let us not forget, either, that 75-80% of the British Mandate was lopped off and illegally given to the Arabs in the form of Transjordan - a country that ruled the West Bank from 1948-1967 and never once offered the "Palestinians" their precious state. I'm sorry, but I'm getting just a little satiated with all of this hand-wringing for a group that really thought that Adolph Hitler was the bomb.


  1. I think they should continue to build the shacks...and then simply abandon them if they lose that part of the land in any peace deal...what's the big deal?

  2. This is probably going to surprise people. But I don't particularly care for Mr. Netanyahu. I mean, yeah, I understand why the Israeli people sometimes vote for Likud and stuff. But, no, I'm not so sure that this guy wants peace any more than Arafat did. That's why I still take it out on Arafat for crapping on our president and sowing the seeds for Netanyahu.

  3. What is he supposed to do Will?

    The Palestinians and Arabs in general do not want peace. They show that every chance they get.

    They want Israel destroyed and the Jews dead. Watch their childrens TV programming.

    How much would we give in a similar situation? (well, with a real president of course...)

    Netanyahu is a pragmatist.

  4. Oh, I understand totally, the TV shows, the textbooks, etc.. They're basically programmed from an early age to hate. I'm just not sure if the settlements (even though some of them are on parcels that Israel probably WOULD get in a settlement) were a good idea at this stage, that's all. See, I know I that could get you to "flank" me eventually. LOL


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