Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Reaching Across the Something

Here's a good one, folks. One of the provisions that the Republicans want to make to the health-care bill is a stipulation that registered sex offenders not be provided erectile dysfunction medication. Hm, I'm wondering here. Is there's going to be any major controversy with THAT one? LOL My personal sense tells me that we're looking at some real bipartisanship - and, yes, SOON!!


  1. This is really up in the weeds, eh? You just can't make this stuff up!

  2. I don't know Will; both sides of the aisle have had, or have, their perverts. This may be one of those provisions that somehow falls out with no one saying who or why.

  3. No problem, pass reconciliation AS IS, then have the entire congress pass that bill, so the republicans can't use such a tactic to attempt to derail reconciliation, why are they so predictable?

    IF the issue was SO important, why didn't the republicans MAKE SURE it was included in the original bill in the first place, why are they so predictable?

    The republicans are playing politics as usual instead of trying to do what is most important for most Americans, why are they so predictable?

    Hell the republicans could write a bill with that as a stand alone provision and it would pass, but they would rather try tactics to derail the corrections they demanded in the health care law, why are they so predictable?

    Use an issue like this for political gamesmanship, instead of simply doing it when they should have if it is so important to them, why are they so predictable?

    Why didn't this issue come up when the senate put together the original bill, cause the republicans were trying to STOP reform, not protect Americans.

    Why are republicans they so predictable?

  4. BTW Medicare part D already excludes any erectile dysfunction drug, for everyone, including pedophiles, everyone has to pay for their own if they are using Medicare or Medicaid. (Unless prescribed by a doctor for, pulmonary hypertension, a lung problem.)

    So unless a veteran receiving VA treatment, or a government official, even retired ones, like Mark Foley etc., are getting coverage for their little problem, this is a red herring from the republican party of NO,because the general public wasn't able to get it through government sponsored drug programs anyway.

    Now however IF the Catholic Church wanted to prevent their numerous pedophile priests from getting Viagra, that would be something worth considering.

    But what would really help is if the church would stop the world wide cover up of pedophile priests.

  5. The way that I see it, folks, this isn't a Republican vs. Democrat issue. It's a "these figging idiots in Washington don't have a frigging clue what the frig they're doing" issue. Though, yes, I must admit it, I did get a hell of a good laugh off of it.

  6. So for you, a republican stall tactic is both party's fault?

  7. The Republicans (along with Evan Bayh and Ben Nelson) probably ARE playing games. And, yes, they have acted abysmally at times during this process. But to say that the Dems have a totally clean plate here is ridiculous. The vote-buying (yes, the Republicans engage in this process, too - 2 wrongs don't make a right), the cooking of the books (yes, the Republicans also do that - 2 wrongs don't make a right), and, really, 2700 pages? The MA bill (passed by a Democratic legislature) was less that 100. The way that I see it, you're almost asking for problems when you take to overload a piece of legislation like that.

  8. So you have read the entire bill to say it doesn't take 2700 pages to reform the US health care system for the first time ever.

    And of course your talking points way of arguing instead of real facts seem a little suspect.

    You have failed to actually address anything in the bill itself just made quotes which suspiciously sound just like the crap Fox News and the right wing has slung the last year.

    You have an interesting way of arguing against the bill by totally ignoring any facts about the actual bill itself.

  9. I didn't like the unions getting a special exemption, Louisiana getting a special deal, Nebraska getting a special deal, 100,000,000 going to CT for a hospital (and they didn't even need to buy Christopher Dodd's vote!), etc.. I don't like the fact that 99% of the benefits (in terms of expenditure) don't kick in until 2014 (this, while the revenue gathering starts immediately). And I especially don't like all of this "it reduces the deficit" bull-crap (they don't include in the counting the $250,000,000,000 doctor fix or the billions that are going to have to be spent to pay the IRS for enforcement). To say that this bill couldn't have been put together exceedingly better is laughable - or should I say a Democratic/Keith Olbermann talking point? Just for the record, I watch Fox, MSNBC, AND CNN (I like to see what they're all up to). CNN is, in my opinion, far and away the best.

  10. So, too, are you QUITE predictable, Cliffy (whenever somebody disagrees with you, you accuse them of using talking points, etc.).

  11. So your saying something that reforms and changes 17%-20% of oor economy only needs to be 100 pages ............wow you really must be pretty smart........please enlight me as to which 2600 pages you would leave out and why EINSTEIN...........i'm all ears Willy?

  12. Mike, have you read some of this stuff? It's indecipherable. Yes, the country is larger than the state of MA. But, really, are the principles of the 2 respective bills all that different?

  13. Good for you Will,you got the two main idiots from LC to post at your blog.

    I'm surprized bart and deluded mike had the courage.

  14. Um Willy, the reconciliation Bill just passed the US Senate by a vote of 56-43, with NO republican voting to end the provisions of the health care law that twists up your panties so badly.

    Must love those provisions don't the republicans?

    They worked so hard to keep them.

    Great day isn't it?

  15. It didn't twist my panties at all, Clif. In fact, I'm still busting a gut over the whole thing.

  16. Funny Willy, you seem so angry in many of your posts;

    Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

    Screw you, idiot. I ....


    Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

    you partisan stooges


    Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

    those god damned yperbolic/over the top "special comments"


    Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

    Hey, how 'bout apologizing, loser.
    (We won remember Willy?)


    Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

    that I referred to, dick.

    And like I said before, jackass, my


    Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

    I didn't lie, asshole.


    Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

    Alright, now I'm getting really pissed.
    (at least you admit it there Willy)



    Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

    I was talking to Mike, you idiot.

    Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

    you despicable, low-life, loathesome losers?

    loathsome losers????

    The bill passed,

    Willy the bill passed,

    We WON Willy,

    Not lost Willy.

    Yet you seem so angry most of the time Willy,

    Why is that?

  17. BTW Willy, you mentioned loathsome losers.

    These might be really the loathsome losers you should be talking about Willy.

    The real loathsome losers were the tea baggers and republicans who egged them on to acts of attempted intimidation and actual violence;

    Like throwing bricks through members of congress home offices to try to intimidate them;

    1. Early on the morning of March 19, someone threw a brick through the window of Rep. Louise Slaughter's office in Niagara Falls, New York, doing $350 of damage, the Buffalo News reported. Slaughter (D-NY) briefly attracted the ire of conservatives over the "Slaughter Solution," a procedural maneuver that was considered (but, ultimately, not used) to pass health reform.

    2. Also in Slaughter's district, a brick was thrown through the glass doors of the Monroe County Democratic Committee office in Rochester, NY, over the weekend, the Democrat and Chronicle reported. A note attached to the brick bore the Barry Goldwater quote, "Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice," a spokesman for the committee told the newspaper.

    3. In the early hours of the morning on Monday just after the House health care vote, someone smashed the glass front door of the Tucson office of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ), the Arizona Daily Star reported. "The perpetrator likely had to hop the gated fence to get access to the door, since it's not viewable from the parking lot," the paper reported.

    4. On Friday night or Saturday morning, a brick bearing unspecified "anti-Obama and anti-health care messages" was thrown through a floor-to-ceiling window at the Sedgwick County Democratic Party headquarters in Wichita, Kansas, CNN and the Kansas City Start reported.

    5. After the passage of the bill Sunday night, a "fist-sized" rock was thrown at a window at the Hamilton County Democratic Party in Cincinnati, in the district of Rep. Steve Driehaus (D-OH), the Enquirer reports.

    How about the guy from Alabama egging others to do the same?

    Pinson, Alabama-based blogger Mike Vanderboegh has been tracking the breaking of windows at Dem offices after issuing a call Friday: "To all modern Sons of Liberty: THIS is your time. Break their windows. Break them NOW."

    It's far from clear whether Vanderboegh's call to arms has anything to do with the incidents around the country.

    The Kansas City Star identifies Vanderboegh as a former leader of the Alabama Constitutional Militia.

    His blog, Sipsey Street Irregulars, identifies with the so-called "Three Percenter" doctrine: "During the American Revolution, the active forces in the field against the King's tyranny never amounted to more than 3% of the colonists."

    The March 19 post says:

    They will send the Internal Revenue Service and other federal police to do this in thousands of small Wacos, if that is what it takes to force us to submit. This arrogant elite pretends that this oppression is for our own good, while everyone else understands that this is about their selfish, insatiable appetite for control over our liberty, our money, our property and our lives.

    You think these might actually be some of the loathsome losers you mentioned Willy?

  18. How about the loathsome losers who send death threats to sitting members of the US Congress Willy?

    A Colorado member of Congress has received threatening calls at her Washington office, according to NBC News. Rep. Betsy Markey's (D-Colorado) chief of staff confirmed her office had reported two separate incidents to the Capitol police and asked Fort Collins police to step up patrols around Markey's home and her district office.

    Anne Caprara said the calls came on Saturday before the House cast its final vote on health care reform. She said in the first, the caller said to one of Markey's staff members, "better hope I don't run into you in a dark alley with a knife, a club or a gun."

    In another instance, a caller said something like "better tell your boss that she better be careful when she comes back here to Colorado."

    Markey was one of the Democrats who had voted against the original House health care reform bill last year before voting for changes to the Senate measure over the weekend. She is in her first term representing the 4th Congressional District in Colorado.

    Were those the loathsome losers you had in mind Willy?

  19. Or how about the loathsome loser who sent a envelope with White power to the office of a sitting member of the US congress Willy?

    Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) said in a statement to reporters today that his Kew Gardens, New York office is closed until authorities complete their investigation into a suspicious package sent there. It's the latest in a string of incidents threatening members of Congress since health care reform passed over the weekend.

    Weiner's statement:

    Earlier today an envelope containing white powder and a threatening letter was delivered to my community office in Kew Gardens. The NYPD was immediately alerted and have responded appropriately by sending a Haz-Mat team. Any questions related to their response should be directed to the NYPD. My first priority is the safety of my staff and neighbors, and the authorities are currently taking steps to investigate and resolve the situation.

    Was that particular loathsome loser on your mind when you made your hyperbolic statement in anger Willy?

  20. Or even worse an actually attack on what the loathsome loser thought was the house of the sitting member of congress and his wife and children Willy?

    After a tea party organizer published the address of the brother of Rep. Tom Perriello (D-VA) in a blog post urging anti-health reform activists to "drop by," someone cut a propane gas line at the house, Politico is reporting.

    Now the FBI is investigating what happened at the home near Charlottesville, according to Politico.

    The development comes on the heels of at least five instances of vandalism -- mainly in the form of smashed doors and windows -- at Democratic offices around the country in the days around the House health care vote Sunday night.

    In the Periello case, an activist named Mike Troxel of the Lynchburg Tea Party wrote a blog post telling activists to add a "personal touch" to their anger at Periello -- who voted yes on the health care bill -- by going to his house. But Troxel mistakenly posted the address of Periello's brother.

    Cutting the gas line Willy?

    And you are laughing?

    Sorta like the loathsome loser did after he found out what his hideous actions resulted in;

    The Washington, D.C.-based political newspaper Politico reported Monday a Lynchburg Tea Party member posted the address, which he believed to be Perriello’s, on his blog. After seeing the blog, Danville Tea Party Leader Nigel Coleman posted the same address on his Facebook profile, which is not limited to only his Facebook “friends.”

    “This is Rep. Thomas Stuart Price Perriello’s home address,” Coleman wrote Monday. “…I ain’t holding back anymore!!”

    When Coleman learned the address was actually Perriello’s brother’s — Politico reported he and his wife have four young children — Coleman commented on another blog that the mistake was “collateral damage.”

    In case you don't know Willy collateral damage is a military term used in time of war when innocent civilians are mistakenly killed.

    Does he fit your description of a loathsome loser Willy?

    Or is he one who you are laughing with, Willy?

  21. BTW Willy, what the whole loathsome hate and violence attacks have been over.

    The Health Care Law

    The law actually does the following;

    End the pre-existing condition clause most insurance industry uses to refuse health care insurance to those who most need it.

    End the ability of the health care insurance industry from cutting off a policy when an insured individual gets really sick and actually needs the insurance policy they have already paid for.

    End the ability of the insurance industry from denying coverage to children based on what medical conditions they were born with.

    Adds 34 million more people (over 10% of the population of the United states) to the health care rolls.

    Lets parents to keep their children on their own policies thru college up to age 26.

    But you are laughing Willy?

    (Your posts beg to differ Willy)

    At what are you laughing at Willy, the tea baggers meltdowns and violence, or the failed republican obstructionism?

  22. BTW Willy, be sure to attack the length of the posts, not actually answer directly the questions raised.

    Or have Voltron or one of his numerous sock puppets attack me for even posting like they always do here and elsewhere. You know Willy attack the First Amendment rights of those they disagree with like republicans and right wingers have done ever since Bush claimed "either yer for us or against us" in an attempt to stifle dissent, and Americans first amendment rights.

    Why is it almost always the right wing sock puppets attacking others basic constitutional rights, while you smooze and laugh with them Willy?

    Why is that?

  23. You evidently can't read, Clif. In the post that follows this one, I condemn all the violence and death threats......Yes, I get angry. I get angry when I'm smeared and when my record and positions are lied about. Most people tend to. Have a good day, Clif.

  24. Like you have continuously smeared others Willy?

    You get angry when people do it to you.

    But you do it to others Willy.

    Hypocrite Thy Name Is Willy.

  25. BTW Willy, nice to see you ignore the main basis of the posts, as usual.

  26. I addressed it, Clif. I said that I condemned the violence (you actually lied again by saying that I hadn't). What more do you want me to say?.....Who have I smeared? You? Give me a break. You lie about a person's beliefs and their record and expect to be treated with respect? Yeah. Try again, young fella'.

  27. See you IGNORE most of what I wrote.

    Slander those you disagree with them cry like a baby when you get it in return what a big cry baby you are Willy. Just like the rest of the right wing cry babies who are such losers, who throw temper tantrums when they lose, just like I showed you do.

  28. You have YET to address what is actually in the law Willy.

  29. But as usual you claim you have done something you haven't

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. PS Willy, I said others, IE plural Willy.

  32. Clif, yes, there are things in the law that I like, that I actually agree with. I just think that we (as a country) could have addressed this overall issue far more intelligently. That is MY opinion. Feel absolutely free to disagree with it. Just don't lie about my record, dude. We don't like that around here......Others. LOL Yeah, you Bartlebee, and Mike.

  33. Keeping the kid on the parent's policy til he's 26? Hell, why not make it 34? 39? 47?

  34. I already said thaht this legislation ISN'T armageddon. Why are YOU so frigging dishonest?

  35. Sorry but you have been the one dishonestly repeating right wing talking points all through out the year long debate the right wing tea baggers and republicans lost in a big way.

    Still can't admit it eh Willy?

  36. Keeping the kid on the parent's policy til he's 26? Hell, why not make it 34? 39? 47?

    Ask the congress who wrote it Willy, but knowing how much trouble people have between going to college and finding a good first job (with health care), that is a good idea don't you think?

    I guess you have no kids eh?

  37. That's a bald-faced lie and you know it. I have spent the entire year aguing in FAVOR of Dr. Ezekial Emanuel's guaranteed healthcare access plan. You know him, right? He's (or at least he was) a President Barak Obama ADVISOR!!!!!!!! My God, do you ever NOT tell a lie?

  38. Yeah, but why cut 'em off at 26? Why not keep them on for as long as you want to keep them on? I mean, it's up to the parents if they want to foster dependency, right?

  39. Hey Cliffy,

    If we're the "tea baggers" that kinda makes you guys the tea bagg-ees doesn't it?

  40. No duncetron it doesn't, but keep spewing crap like that instead of actually debating the facts, Willy loves it when you deflect FOR him from his hypocrissy, and lies.

  41. What have I lied about, Clif? I DID condemn the death threats. I DID say that the Democratic plan WASN'T Armageddon. And I HAVE consistently supported Dr. Emanuel's plan. What, just because I don't like you and your hyperpartisan/paranoid ilk? WOW!

  42. Hey, Volt, this guy isn't correcting us when we call him Cliffy. It leads me to believe that this either IS Clif, OR it's Bartlebee and he's willing to let his buddy take the fall for him. Either way, it's quite interesting.

  43. Or I am neither Willy.

    I rather am enjoying your infatuation with somebody who has not posted on months, but for some reason you still are fixated on them.

    Sucks to have been PAWNED as bad as you have been by him eh Willy?

    Cause he definitely PAWNED you, cause you still can't let it go.

  44. You're mistaking infatuation with pure pity. And you, my slug, are far too easily amused.

  45. There you go again,

    with that anger, Willy.

    Which proves my point,

    You have been PAWNED,

    time and again,

    you can't let it go,

    you have reacted with this style of anger because of it,

    each and everytime it is pointed out,

    you attack those who do so.

    PS: Willy,

    pity is not what you suffer from,

    but he is in your head,

    your repeated references about him,

    long after he no longer posts proves it,

    and you are an angry little man because of it.

  46. You're beginning to sound like a concern troll. LOL Seriously, though, why don't you just say who you are. Are you THAT much of a coward that you have to hide behind (of all things) "anonymous"?

  47. Who I am isn't really the issue, it is how concerned you are with someone who hasn't posted in months and how deep he seems to be in your mind.

    Can you say PAWNED Willy?

  48. But nice try at deflecting from how PAWNED you really are Willy.


  49. How am I concerned with him? It's just that Clif and Bartlebee are the only 2 morons who would ever go to the extreme of doing quite as asinine as this. I flipped a coin and it came up Cliffy.

  50. Still PAWNWED

    Can't stop thinking about him can you?


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