Saturday, March 6, 2010

And the Top-Billing Goes To....

While it may be true that Frank won the Oscar/Clift brilliantly held it all together playing the tormented G.I., Burt Lancaster's contributions to "From Here to Eternity" shouldn't, in any way/shape/form, EVER be diminished. I especially (for example) love that scene in which he preempted the fight between Sinatra and Ernest Borgnine. Remember that one, folks - Fatso/Borgnine wanting such a rumble but, BOOM, Lancaster busting up the whiskey bottle and staring him down with it? And, really, who in his right mind will ever forget that roll in the surf with Deborah Kerr, that simultaneously touching and acerbic reaction of his to Clift getting shot, the way that he understatedly responded to Clift playing his muted taps, etc.? I mean, certainly, I know that he had that cadence thing and all but.....


  1. "Fatso" wanted nothing to do with good old Burt. Not that I necessarily blame him, mind you.

  2. That roll in the surf was far sexier that the blatant stuff they have on screen now.

  3. Absolutely (and those scenes with Donna Reed weren't exactly chopped liver, either)!!


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