Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Bills have It

While I certainly have issues/concerns about the recently passed health-care bill, I also think that it's at least somewhat hyperbolic to call it a massive government takeover. I mean, certainly, we're going to have to hire an additional 16,000 IRS agents to enforce it and all but, really, think about it here. Isn't it also such that the insurance companies and pharmaceuticals stand to benefit greatly from this? And, yes, what about, too, the fact that this bill is very much similar Romney's Massachusetts plan? You certainly can't go around calling Obama a Socialist and not Governor Romney. Romney himself ABSOLUTELY better not.


  1. Hmm, Mitt's said that by now, hasn't he? He's done.

  2. This is a hard one for Mr. Romney to wiggle out of. His liberal past in MA will totally come back to haunt him. I'm surprised that it wasn't more of an issue in the last campaign.

  3. Just thinking that this might not be such a big win for the insurance companies. I'm kind of hoping this will make them default into non-profit entities because it's going to be so different that they can't exclude sick people, and they are not guaranteed to get new customers. If someone is poor, a tax break isn't going to help...


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