Monday, March 8, 2010

Note to Sean Hannity

Dear Mr. Hannity, President Obama was not "anointed". He was ELECTED. And he was elected decidedly so. I mean, I know that you don't particularly care for him and all but, please, could you at least try and respect the process here/the office of the Presidency? I tried to do that when Bush was President (defended him over charges of Nazism, etc.).


  1. Hey Will, hannity is so much a hater of anything Democratic that he will prefer to see America sink than help a Democrat to make America float, also check this article to see Bush's Nazi roots.

  2. Will, got a little bit of hope yesterday about this political stuff. A fella was on MSNBC who was some sort of big money donor to the RNC and he said he was stopping his donations over the recently disclosed plans by the RNC to use fears about Obama and "Socialism" to raise money.

    The guy is a true hard core conservative and said he opposes much of the president's agenda but that he was upset with the lack of civility on his side.

    This is a fella I could work with and I agree that us liberals have fallen short on the civility as well.

    Just felt damn good seeing someone place country before politics.

  3. I also say Ken Starr on "Countdown" (Lawrence O'Donnell subbing for Keith) last night. I guess that he and a lot of other Conservatives are really teeing off on Liz Cheney for her recent comments (i.e., that lawyers who've defended terrorists are just as bad as the terrorists). Yeah, double b, maybe there is a ltttle bit of sanity out there.

  4. Hannity is a one trick pony,like Beck,bnut he is raking in major dollars.

    I think Teelucks tin foil hat fell off.

  5. I wonder what MSNBC would be say if Hannity or Beck had made the crack Dan Rather did about Obama not being able to sell watermelons? I guessing the word "racist" would be used about ten thousand times in a 24 hour span.

  6. Hannity is a blow hard. I simply cannot abide the guy. Teeluck nailed him...

  7. Wow,the wolfman showed up! One of Barrys chief jock sniffers.

  8. Cant delete here Mikey,can you poopsie?

  9. Will does have the balls to hear an opposing point of view.You on the other hand Mikey should prance on back to your echo chamber...maybe you'd skip rather than prance.

  10. Double c, this is a different Mike. MadMike's a good person/a fair and square debater. Not at all like the other guy.

  11. I know exactly who this coward is. He's from the MMA echo chamber.

    He's over there now begging for money. Either that or changing his skirt.

  12. I thought that you were referring to the Mike from Lydia Cornell's site.

  13. No,that fool has'nt been heard from in months...thank the lord.

    BTW,worf is posting under three different handles over there.Its a shame how that blog just went down the crapper.I dont think Lydia cares or keeps up with it anymore.

    You old sparring partner Clif hasn'nt surfaced in Months.

  14. How many sock puppets do you post under Volt/ Cosmic Cowpie.

  15. And you wonder why I like the other Mike better. LOL


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