Wednesday, March 31, 2010

From the Safety of His Wheelchair

Charles Krauthammer is clearly a smart guy. But I'm telling you, RIGHT NOW, he's basically talking gibberish. His latest neocon swipe against the President is the one in which he states that we should have pushed harder for "regime change" in Iran (last summer, after the election controversy over there). And, yes, me-buckos, once again Mr. Krauthammer fails to deliver in terms of specifics. Push harder HOW? Moral support? Or his suggesting something of a much more strenuous nature? I mean, at the very least, this is something that could conceivably mean funding, weaponry, etc.. Granted, it's probably better to have a civil war (the object of which would be to get rid of the mullahs and not just Ahmadinejad, I would HOPE) over there PRIOR to their attainment of nuclear weapons and all. But, still, it's also something that would probably create a lot instability NOW. And being that we're presently knee-deep in two Muslim countries already.....


  1. Yeah, Krauthammer is too smart by half. Sorry but the best way to preserve the current regime is to overly put pressure on the government or even attack. The current regimes days are numbered as it is now, the last thing we need to do is anything that will once again unite the country behind the government.

  2. Totally agree, double b. We, unfortunately, have very little credibility in that region. For the President to have put the pedal to the metal (in terms of supporting the resistance) would have quite possibly hurt the very same people that we claim to want to help.


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