Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I can't ever remember feeling as badly for a person as I did last night for that for that Xavier player (women's college basketball; Xavier vs. Stanford). For those of you who didn't see it, not only did she blow a layup, she blew a second gimme just ten seconds later - either of which, had she made them, would have given the lady Musketeers the lead with seconds to go (yes, Stanford scored right after to win it, but at least it would have forced an overtime). Now, granted, there were some other things that also went awry for Xavier; missed foul shots (the second of which was the front end of a one on one by a player shooting 86% for the season), turnovers, etc.. But, honestly here, I'm pretty sure that people aren't going to remember any of them. Unfortunately.................................................................................................Oh, and if you think that I'm making too much out of this, think again. Donnie Moore (the Angels pitcher who gave up that gopher ball to Boston's Dave Henderson in the 1986 divisional series) ended up blowing his brains out. Skip "Money" Dillard (the DePaul guard whose missed free-throw versus St. Joseph's in a 1981 NCAA tournament cost them the game) ended up on skid-row. Bill Buckner.....I mean, what can I say? We all know about Bill Buckner. This frigging guy can't even go out in public, STILL!.....All I can say, folks, is that I hope that this young lady has a rock-solid support system going. This, in that, yeah, you bet, she's really going to need it.


  1. Good post...nothing political.

    If Butler put on Duke uniforms
    would'nt they be the favorite?

    What are the odds? Today at a
    spring training game in Tampa
    a Twins batter fouled off a pitch
    that hit his own mother sitting
    in the stands.

  2. I thought it was about time, Russ. Butler? I don't know. I'm not sure if they'd be the favorite or not. I DO know that I'll be rooting for them. Hopefully, Mike, Volt, Bart, and Clif will be cheering them on, too. I mean, there's got to be at least one thing that the 5 of us can agree upon.


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