Saturday, March 6, 2010

Maybe Larouche Was On to Something After All

"The Khmer Rouge are murderous thugs. But we won't let that stand in our way."....Henry Kissinger (this, upon friendly American overtures to this dastardly regime), 1975.............................................................................................Wow, huh? Talk about some nasty realpolitik.


  1. Or Hammerin' Henry being grilled by a congressman about abandoning the Kurds following an agreement with the Shah of Iran:
    "covert action is not social work".

  2. major insight ! long past? This is about the Turkish holocaust?

  3. Hi folks. No, Gwendolynn, the Khmer Rouge was the Communist regime (under the auspices of Pol Pot) that murdered nearly 2 million of its citizens. Apparently the Nixon regime attempted to align themselves (against Vietnam) with this crew back in the 70s.

  4. I'm sorry ... I was misunderstood or did that! LOL I know who Pol pot was and the khmer rouge... I wondered if you linking or referring to the ongoing controversy the over the Armeanian genocide in Turkey? Way off I c....
    happy sunday anyhoo. LOL


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