Friday, August 27, 2010

Comparative (Muslim) Religion

The right-wing has been trying to smear this imam for quite some time now. They're apparently unaware that, compared to the dirt-bags who supposedly cooperated with us in Iraq, and who we're presently propping up in Afghanistan, this fellow is a flat-out saint/hero. Yes, the fellow has made a few inartful statements about 9/11/U.S. Middle-Eastern policy but, shit, just take a look at President Bush. He got us bogged down in (count 'em) TWO intractable conflicts (yes, President Obama ably assisting in one of them) over there. That, to me, was for more destructive. And, yes, me-buckos, it was us who "funded" THAT!


gringo jack said...

Hey, Will. I'll be following along your blog. For security reasons, my Mamacita has aked me to get rid of mine. I have to agree with her. Good luck. I'll be out here in cyberspace, checking you out......

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Thanks Jack. Please, feel free to contribute any time. Independents are always welcome.

Dervish Z Sanders said...

We need to fight them over there so we don't end up fighting them here... remember? GWB drew the terrorists out into the open and we took 'em out. It was a brillant plan that just took a little longer than expected.

That Imam obviousy doesn't understand how insensitive building this victory mosque is.