Monday, February 9, 2015

On the Fact that Numerous Ukrainians Fought on the Side of Germany During WW2

Yeah, I guess that after Joe Stalin had starved and shot to death upwards of six million of their countrymen it seemed like the right thing to do.


BB-Idaho said...

"Reasons for this generally included resurgent Ukrainian nationalism, aspirations for Independence and widespread anger and resentment against the Russians over the Holodomor, which occurred only a few years before. These were coupled with rampant racism towards other ethnic groups (such as Jews, Tatars, Roma peoples and Poles) as well as a prevailing sentiment of antisemitism. However, the absence of Ukrainian autonomy under the Nazis, mistreatment by the occupiers, and the deportation of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians as slave laborers, soon led to a rapid change in the attitude among the collaborators.
By the time the Red Army returned to Ukraine, a significant number of the population welcomed its soldiers as liberators."

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

"The Red Army as Liberators" - love that one.

BB-Idaho said...

Yeah, this was after they had welcomed the Nazi Wehrmacht as
liberators. Getting liberated is so fun....