Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Will Smith's Response to the French Top Tax Rate of 75%?

"God bless America."


Les Carpenter said...

... and this from a none believer, AMEN.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

And an amen to your amen.

dmarks said...

So, the rulers in France want to prove their might by stealing most of their subject's property. "Let them eat cake" and several pre-French Revolution thoughts easily come to mind.

As long as there isn't a wall around France so that people who flee this abuse are shot on sight, these types of moves are always counter-productive.

Those subject to such a tax rate will either move physically, or transfer their assets to, a country with a more fair, less abusive tax system.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

And these politicians are so damned stupid. Do they not realize that people and businesses (not to mention their cash) are mobile, that they can get up and vanish? Remember how Bjorn Borg moved out of Sweden and went to Monaco instead?

dmarks said...

Naked greed and megalomania on the part of the ruling elites in these countries. And a desire to steal from and punish those who are good at what they do that collides with and crushes any idea of pragmatism.