Friday, May 10, 2013

On a Moron Who Knows Absolutely Nothing About Climatology Referring to the Reasoned and Well Thought Out Works of Richard Lindzen, Roy Spencer, John Christy, William Happer, And Freeman Dyson as "Stupidity"

Life is wondrous, isn't it?


Barlowe Bayer, A Very Stable Genius said...

Who is the moron?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...


Rusty Shackelford said...

Poor WD....Will deletes him....he lives in the basement....he cant hold a paper hat job....and no one cares what he has to say.

dmarks said...

Much as I might like to kick a troll when he is down (down in Mom's crawlspace, that is)... back to topic. Will, I used to like Obama personally, but would never have voted for him. He has turned out better in general on foreign policy than I expected, but much worse domestically. Bush was terrible in his debt spending. I would have never guessed that Obama would be twice as bad, but he is. And he is lazy: it is neglectful for him to submit a budget so late, while he had lots of time to live it up with big parties.

dmarks said...

Support for the above comment:

"Two months late, Obama's budget proposal irks both sides"

(Not from Fox or Rush, but from a left-wing news source: CBS)

The dateline is April 10:

"President Obama's budget arrives two months late, faces skeptical Republicans, irate Democratic activists and carries the burden of trying to erase $1.2 trillion in spending cuts under sequestration the White House dislikes but has failed to persuade Congress to reverse or amend."

And this is one of many reports on the expensive golf outing Obama too during this time when he was running late on the budget. Again, the source is from America's liberal media: a major source, the Washington Post, not Fox/Beck/Rush/Moonies.

You'd think that if he were serious about the job he'd not be shirking his responsibility and going off to have fun. Other reports detail that this is the 4th late budget he's had. He has just proven year after year that he is too lazy and negligent to take his job seriously. He has a problem with priorities. There's no doubt that if he hadn't been loafing off and hob-nobbing with philandering celebrities, he might have lived up to his obligations.

It's not that hard to do. Clinton was in office 8 whole years, and only submitted budgets late twice (doing the math, 1/4 the rate of Obama). And GWB and Reagan were late even less.

dmarks said...

oops. both comments are in the WRONG post. Carry on...