Tuesday, October 13, 2015

On the Fact that Global Warming Nut Jobs (in a Thoroughly Dishonest Attempt to Do Away with the 18 Year Pause in Accelerated Temperatures) Deep-Sixed the Highly Reliable Satellite Temperature Data and Instead Utilized Highly Contaminated (Via Heat Conduction) Engine Intake Data that They Then Added 1.2 Degree Celsius to to Make it Look Even More Pronounced

The level of dishonesty that these scoundrels (Michael Mann, James Hanson, etc.) have stooped to is so far beyond comprehension at this juncture that it even dwarfs their chutzpah.......AND THE FACT THAT THEY'RE STILL EMPLOYED AND NOT IN JAIL. That's the truly amazing part and what an indictment on the scientific-government complex, eh?


dmarks said...


Now I have heard both sides in this heated (no pun intended) debate call for harsh criminal penalties against the other side for having different views.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

These fellows have taken taxpayer dollars and lied and cheated with them. To me, that's a significant offense.