Saturday, October 31, 2015

On Bernie's Affinity for Sweden

 It depends on what he's referencing. If he's talking about the Sweden of today that has radically reduced a) public spending as a percentage of GDP and b) the top tax rates, I could probably live with that. But if he's talking about the Sweden of the '70s and '80s in which government spending was for close to 70% of GDP and the top tax rate was 80-something percent (a policy that prompted many rich folks to simply leave the country - HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!), then, no, that's unacceptable.......Knowing the fascistic Sanders, it's more than likely the latter.


BB-Idaho said...

Yeah, Bernie probably likes the old Sweden. Like most Swedes .

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

In a freer society some folks do better than others, BB. Would they rather have those people move out of the country like ABBA, Ingemar Bergman, Bjorn Borg, etc. did in the '80?

BB-Idaho said...

Well...any time Trump wants to leave, I'm OK with it. Nor do I have a problem with
wealth distribution, unless it becomes so skewed as to lead to social unrest (and it
occurs in economic systems other than free societies as well), being a natural human tendency. We recall all through medieval feudalism the peasant rebellions almost every generation, perhaps one of several causes for the stagnation of progress in those times?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Yeah, I could do without Trump, too, but Bergman no. I would also submit that capitalism saved us from feudalism.