Monday, January 5, 2015

On Mia Love, the First African-American Republican Congresswoman in the Country's History

I find her hot.


Rusty Shackelford said...

.....and if you ever listen to her speak you will find she is very,very smart and a Mormon......

dmarks said...

And I've already been seeing leftists/Democrats using racist smears against her.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Definitely intelligent to point of almost making Reid and McConnell sound developmentally delayed.............Kind of like they did to Dr. Carson, dmarks.

Constitutional Insurgent said...

I respect her achievements, but hot? Not.

BB-Idaho said...

I'll take your word for her intelligence, but IMO any Mormon
convert would seem lacking in that department and that Reid is
also Mormon. I admire her drive, but she is too far right for me..

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I suspect so, too, Russ (though I probably shouldn't agree with you on the chubby part and get in trouble there).......She actually comes off better in video than in pictures, CI (though it's all according to taste, I guess).......The thing is, BB, I kind of think that ALL organized religion is BS and so it kind of evens out and at least the Mormons aren't terrorists yet. As for her politically, if her foreign policy is closer to Huntsman and (Gary) Johnson than it is to Cheney and Bush, I won't have a problem at least considering her.

Les Carpenter said...

Love is intelligent, articulate, as well as attractive.

Will have give her some time in action to see how she plays out.

Hopefully she doesn't run with the Gohmert, Bachmann, and Cruz type.