Tuesday, January 20, 2015

On the Notion that We Shouldn't "Second-Guess" Our Past Presidents

We can put them on Mount Rushmore (i.e., glorify them) but we can't criticize them/take them down? Sorry, but I must have missed that memo (as did a lot of folks when it came to James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, etc.).


BB-Idaho said...

There is certainly enough information out there on all the presidents. We can disagree with
presidential historians (me, I rank US Grant far above Reagan)
depending on our POV. (and it is
a bit fun to be a devil's advocate
hobbyist) And we can get away with poor scholarship these days:
I knew a person who wrote a dissertation on Pope Joan as a study
in leadership and received an MA
in business leadership...from a
Jesuit university!!

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I kind of like Cleveland (his sexual peccadillos aside).

BB-Idaho said...

Interesting that Cleveland's vice president during his second term
was Adlai Stevenson...who left anoddly named progeny of assorted Adlais.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Lodge is another name that seems to crop up quite a lot; dynastic names in politics.