Sunday, January 25, 2015

Channeling those Idiots (Wilson, George, Clemenceau, etc.) from the Treaty of Versailles

"Hey, I got it. Let's put 3.5 million ethnic Germans (i.e., those residing in the Sudetenland) under the strong-armed auspices of a bunch of Czechs, Slavs, and Hungarians, and in so doing create, OUT OF WHOLE CLOTH, a brand new country; Czechoslovakia! I mean, what in the hell could possibly go wrong?"


dmarks said...

Thought it must be pointed out that the forcing together of Czechoslovakia had a happy ending: the countries parted quite amicably.

That is usually not the case. Look at the people of Kosovo, slaughtered mercilessly by Serbia due to Wilson/etc misguided decision to forcibly attach Kosovo to Serbia.

BB-Idaho said...

They screwed up big time, but then
the history of 'treaties' had been one of rearranging land and people .

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Yeah, but it took close to a century and 15 million (all told) Germans being ethnically cleansed, dmarks. Better late than never, I guess.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

And you can throw in Polk taking half of Mexico, too, BB.