Saturday, January 10, 2015

On Tesla Cars

I have nothing against these cars per se. But I do have a major problem with upper class folks (and you pretty much have to be upper class to afford one at $60,000 a pop) getting a $7,500 tax break (which the rest of us are subsidizing) as the eventuality of some crony capitalistic social engineering experiment. THAT I find wholly obnoxious and I trust that the progressives agree with me.


BB-Idaho said...

I'll agree and up you:
..deferred income by US companies on foreign operations-$212 billion, accelerated depreciation on machinery and equipment-$109 billion..and on ad nauseam...see
any corporate lawyer/accountant.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Ending crony capitalism, the drug war, and stupid militarism are 3 areas in which the libertarians can and SHOULD work together.

dmarks said...

BB: "....deferred income..."

What do you mean?

dmarks said...

That Tesla guy is a real nut with his "Terminator" ravings.

Rusty Shackelford said...

I'm a big Elon Musk fan.Pay Pal,Tesla and Spacex....pretty damn smart guy....a Richard Branson type guy.

dmarks said...

BB said: ".deferred income by US companies on foreign operations"

What do you mean? Got a link?