Monday, October 6, 2014

On Leon Panetta Having Criticized President Obama in His Newly Released Book

Yeah, Mr. Panetta's gonna get slimed for sure (MSNBC and the Daily Kos no doubt already having him in their cross-hairs).


Les Carpenter said...

We'll have to wait and see.

Constitutional Insurgent said...

Panetta’s piece seems to merely reinforces the narrative proffered by the media. The meme portrays a narrative that the Iraqi’s had no relevant position in both demanding the 2011 withdrawal date in the original SOFA; the necessary legal protections would not have passed a Parliamentary vote; or that they wanted US forces removed from their sovereign borders. The Iraqi’s own statements refute the meme.

BB-Idaho said...

He was pushing his book on CNN this morning; claims it offers both good and bad observations about the administration. Me, I'd wait until the administration was done before I'd write a history.

Les Carpenter said...

Bingo BB Idaho.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Just for the record, I'm not saying that I necessarily agree with Mr. Panetta here (in fact my propensity is to stay out of it completely). I'm just saying that the dude had better be ready for some blow-back/incoming and that it's probably going to be coming from the usual suspects; MSNBC, the Kos, the HuffPo, etc..

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

And I also share BB's misgivings about books while the President is still in office, the only caveat here being Panetta's age.