Wednesday, July 9, 2014

On Political Correctness

I prefer to call it what it truly is; bald, unadulterated, virulent tyranny.


Les Carpenter said...

Perhaps, it is without a doubt affecting both sides of the political spectrum.

It is no longer possible to determine whichi is more virulent, left or right. I say this because although the PC of the left differs from the PC of the right both political ideologies demand obediance to their brand.

Maybe Will you are indeed right, if so we're under tyranny either way.

Constitutional Insurgent said...

I'm always just amused how one side of the political spectrum believes that PC only exists on the opposite side.

BB-Idaho said...

Those Westboro Baptist folks seem
to push the PC boundaries....

dmarks said...

Jersey McJones thinks I am "PC" because I disagree with calling gays "fa**ots" and the mentally disabled "fu**ing retards".

The man has no sense of moderation or decency.


As for real PC? The comedy of it is found in the idea that saying a "person of color" is any different from saying "colored"

Which makes as much sense as claiming some fundamental difference between saying "Person from Indonesia" and "Indonesian"

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

"African-American" will eventually be seen as politically incorrect, too. Just wait.