Thursday, July 3, 2014

On Esther Williams

She had a sick body and the fact that it was wet for about 90% of the time that she was on the screen certainly didn't hurt. In the words of Les and Mr. Pacino, hoo-ahh!


Rusty Shackelford said...

It's obvious to see why she was such a good swimmer.....she had built in flotation devices.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Amen, sir Russ.

Les Carpenter said...

It's obvious to see why she was such a good swimmer... she was sleek, trim, and in great shape.

The "flotation devices" served other purposes and pursuits.

dmarks said...

RN: Rusty didn't mean they were literally filled with air: ;-)

They don't make synchronized swimming musicals like they used to. Oh wait: they don't make them at all....

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Her and Cyd Charisse would have made a awesome Olympics, the 2 of them.

Les Carpenter said...

Yeah, I know that.