Friday, November 18, 2011

Where's the Hard-Left's Condemnation of THIS?

Lisa posted this on Sue's blog and it was predictably ignored.............


Shaw Kenawe said...

Where's the Hard Left's condemnation?

I guess in the same place as the Hard Right's condemnation of this.

BTW, no one knows at this point who instigated this despicable act.

OWS has been characterized by the right as dirty f**king hippies, defecating and doing god knows what else. I wouldn't put it past the likes of people like that hateful little weasel who worked for Breitbart and made fraudulent videos of ACORN and other organizations to discredit them, or people like Breitbart himself to act as agent provocateurs to make the OWS look bad.

There is no one I know in the movement who would do such a hideous thing to bring such disgrace on the movement. It's just too outrageous--picking on little kids. Nice way to get everyone to hate you, eh?

Do you really believe OWS people would sabotage their own movement by doing such a stupid thing?

Until we know who was involved, I don't believe this was the actions of the OWS people. Smells like a far right dirty trick.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

And the right could say that those stupid signs were planted by the left. Neither side wants take responsibility and the middle is disgusted. Bloomberg in '012.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Oh, and, Breitbart - he's an asshole. If you're looking for a defense of the indefensible, you won't find it here.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Bloomberg isn't running. And I agree with Shaw Kenawe.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

"I wouldn't put it past..." Pure speculation. And, again, if the Tea Partiers had done even half of this bullshit, the left would be going apoplectic.......It's called a moral yardstick, not a moral sponge.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I condemn this act if it happened (and I'm not saying that it didn't). This kind of behavior has no place in the movement.

I also condemn Will Hart's constant touting of his perceived moral superiority. Will Hart clearly fancies himself a morally and intellectually superior individual... and I think it's rather silly.

Once again Will pretends to speak for the middle... which is fine, but I think he gets it incredibly wrong. What the hell does voting for Bloomberg have to do with this story of some foolish protestors intimidating children (if it happened)?

Why would a small group of people identifying with OWS but acting stupidly cause someone in the middle to change their mind about voting for Obama?

I think Will may be losing it. I think it has something to do with how full of himself he's been getting. Proof of that is how he's now saying he's voting for Bloomberg for president... an individual who isn't running for president in 2012.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Unfortunately we don't have time to
keep an eye on everything happening everywhere to make sure despicble stuff is promptly condemned Will.

And I haven't seen the video but it is suspicious that Lisa, a faux righty. would have it. Makes one wonder how she would have that. Hmmm.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

The clip was from CBS news, Truth.............wd, if being morally consistent and calling a spade a spade whether that person is liberal or conservative and understanding the limitations of human knowledge, that there are in fact many competing explanations for highly complex social happenings makes me morally and intellectually superior to you, then, yes, I am significantly morally and intellectually superior to you.