Saturday, November 26, 2011

There IS a Double Standard, Damn It

1) Dan Quayle (yes, yes, I know, he's an idiot) misspells potato and it's a federal case. President Obama misspells Syracuse and nobody knows about it.............2) George W. Bush (yes, yes, I know, he's an idiot) mispronounces a word and it's a federal case. President Obama refers to Navy Corpsmen as Navy CORPSEmen and nobody knows about it.............3) George W. Bush doesn't know the leader of some Eastern European country and it's a federal case. President Obama says that the Austrian people speak "Austrian" and nobody knows about it.............4) Sarah Palin (yes, yes, I know, she's an idiot) uses a violent metaphor to make a political point and it's a federal case. President Obama uses a violent metaphor to make a political point and nobody knows about it.............5) Michele Bachmann (yes, yes, I know, she's an idiot) says that the "Founding Fathers worked tirelessly to get rid of slavery" and it's a federal case. President Obama says that he's visited 57 states and nobody knows about it.............6) Sarah Palin says that Paul Revere was actually trying to warn the British that the British were coming and it's a federal case. Chris Matthews says that Herbert Hoover was a hard-core laissez faire capitalist and nobody cares about it.............7) Glenn Beck uses violent imagery to make a political point and it's a federal case. Roland Martin and numerous commentators on use violent imagery to a political point and nobody knows about it.............8) Michele Bachmann confuses Concord New Hampshire with Concord Massachusetts and it's a federal case. President Obama says that Hawaii is a part of Asia and nobody knows about it.............9) Etc., etc., etc..


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

No there isn't.

Jerry Critter said...

Just as Wally says over at Dilbert,

"Sometimes the best you can hope for is that the lesser of two evils is the funny one"

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I wouldn't have even known about the Navy Corpsemen flub if it weren't for frigging Hannity.

Shaw Kenawe said...


I don't watch FAUX NOOZ or Hannity, and yet I know about Mr. Obama's flubs. All of them. Why?

BECAUSE THE RIGHTWING MEDIA and THE INTERNET reported it, that's why! We. Know. About. Them.

You appear to be crying victimization here.

The 57 state mistake, for the friggin' last time:

There were 57 PRIMARIES Mr. Obama had to deal with to get the Democratic nomination. That's what he was referring to when he made that flub.

It is hardly in the same class as Michele Bachmann's ignorant statement, repeated twice, of claiming the Founding Fathers worked tirelessly to free the slaves, and that JQ Adams was a Founding Father. That's just ignorant. I'll give her a pass on saying Concord NH was where the "Shot Heard Round The World occurred.

BTW, Mr. Obama NEVER said "Hawaii is part of Asia." He was in Hawaii when he referred to Asia by saying here in Asia--thinking ahead to his next destination.

This is all nonsense. And for you to claim no one knows or cares about Obama's gaffes is plain wrong.

I've been hearing about the 57 states for 3 long years.

Gaffes are not the point. Stupidity is:

And the leading lights of the GOP claim Evolution is not a fact.

That is a hugely stupid assertion.

The GOP embraces ignorance , and that should disturb you.

Shaw Kenawe said...

This is what you should be outraged over: The base of the GOP lowering its IQ down to single digits.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Shaw Kenawe: You appear to be crying victimization here.

It's the bias he claims not to have. Will is a Conservative who holds some Liberal positions, which is why he makes nice-nice with any conservative who posts here and mostly disagrees with the Liberals.

And if a Liberal disagrees to vigorously... then Will goes on the attack. Whereas if he has (an infrequent) disagreement with a Conservative... the conversation is kept polite.

Most of the time he finds their republicanism "refreshing".

Ema Nymton said...


There is an absolute and clear double standard.

The liberals/ progressives protest against war.

The conservatives protest against health care.

The liberals/ progressives are for law and order.

The conservatives are for "freedom" and "liberty".

Ema Nymton

dmarks said...

Will: Don't forget Obama pronouncing the military "corps" word like it means a dead person. I learned this one in 3rd grade, when I found out about the Marine Corps. I guess our President only found out about this branch of our military after he was inaugurated.

Shaw: Nice to hear from you that whether or not something is a whopper or an innocent mistake is entirely dependent on whether or not there is (D) or an (R) after their name.

Shaw Kenawe said...

dmarks, you didn't read my comment. I gave Bachmann a pass on her gaffe on not knowing the difference between Conord, NH, and Concord, Mass., where the "Shot Heard 'Round The World" was heard.

That's gaffey.

But standing up in front of a crowd and saying (twice) that the Founding Fathers tirelessly worked to end slavery is not a flub/gaffe/misspeak. It's stupid and shows a lack of knowledge about American history. No one who has actually read US history would say something as dumb as that.

Saying a vaccine causes mental retardation because one person told Bachmann that story--that's stupid. Vaccines don't cause mental retardation.

Misspeaking a word or temporarily forgetting where one is while speaking or saying "57 states" while thinking about 57 primaries is not evidence of ignorance.

Saying that the problems of the West Bank are merely zoning issues--as Sarah Palin famously did--is stupid, and not flubbing the pronunciation of a word or forgetting what part of the world/country she was speaking in.

Temporarily forgetting which cabinet he wanted to dismantle doesn't make Perry a dope, saying Evolution is only a theory does.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

The media may be corporate-owned, Shaw, but the reporters are OVERWHELMINGLY liberal. And every survey over the past 30 years proves it. For instance, in 1985, the LA Times did a survey which showed that liberals outnumber conservatives 55-17%. Eleven years later, in 1996, the American Society of Newspaper Editors showed an even more stark disparity (61-9%). And, most recently, the Pew Research Center did a survey which showed a 34-7% advantage in favor of liberals (Pew gave the respondents a "moderate" option this time and 58% chose that). So, you can continue to SAY that the media is liberal but you'd be going against what the journalists themselves have been saying.............And, really, if Palin (who, yes, I agree, is an idiot) had said that there were 57 states, that the Austrians speak Austrian, who couldn't frigging spell Syracuse, and who referred to navy Corpsmen as Navy CORPSE(LOL)men, the progressives would be eviscerating her. They would and you know that they would, the New York Times editorial page, especially.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Shaw, just for the record, and to show you what a weaselly and paranoid little liar that wd is, I am pro-choice, pro gay-rights, pro sensible gun control, against warrantless wiretaps, rendition, nation-building, preemptive wars, regime change, and counter-insurgency. I was against the Iraq War WELL before Clinton, Kerry, and Biden were. I am also in favor of a progressive income tax, eliminating the special consideration for capital gains, and public financing of all elections. I was also in favor of extending the unemployment benefits back when that was an issue and I voted for both Obama and Kerry. Yes, I have some moderate and conservative views, too, but, really, I ask you, how many sane people do you know who order the blue-plate special EVERY FRIGGING TIME?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Oh, and, to answer your question, Shaw, yes, I DO have a problem with the ignorance on the right (I've actually written about it; But I also have a problem with the self-righteous and sanctimonious response of the left in regard to it. That pretty much makes me want to vomit, too.............And I've also defended Mr. Obama many times. That conservative blogger, Silverfiddle used to come here a lot. But ever since I defended Obama against charges of extremism over on Linda's now defunct blog, he doesn't come over any more. So, yes, I will put my record of even-handedness up against anybody's.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Will: show you what a weaselly and paranoid little liar that wd is, I am pro-choice, pro gay-rights, pro sensible gun control, against warrantless wiretaps, rendition, nation-building, preemptive wars, regime change, and counter-insurgency.

No, you're lying. I've never said you weren't for/against any of these things. Please provide quote(s) from me with links showing when I said you weren't for/against these things and I'll issue an apology.

So you're against bush's preemptive war in Iraq... but bush didn't do anything wrong in launching that war? I guess it was just a difference of opinion?

FYI, the "weaselly liar" is the author of that book about supposed Liberal hypocrisy that you're such a fan of (Peter Schweizer).

Shaw Kenawe said...

Will: "But I also have a problem with the self-righteous and sanctimonious response of the left in regard to it."

Will, I think you're mistaking anger for "self-righteous and sanctimonious response" to the stupidity rampant in many of the GOP candidates and luminaries like Sarah Palin.

And yes, I am guilty of being angry at people who have positions of influence in our political arena--the sort of people who are ignorant of basic American history or who believe the question "what newspapers do you read?" is a gotcha questions or who think it's cute to not know anything about what happened in Libya, even though it is a recent event. Angry at anti-science candidates who dispute the fact of Evolution and global warming.

That's not sanctimony, Will, it's anger at the GOP base that continues to support and promote stupidity.

Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty, and Jon Huntsman are smart, sane candidates whom the base of the GOP ignore because they're not extremists on religion, abortion, gay marriage, science, and all the other hot button issues that the base decided on.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

"It's the bias he claims not to have. Will is a Conservative who holds some Liberal positions, which is why he makes nice-nice with any conservative who posts here and mostly disagrees with the Liberals."......Will is a conservative. YOU SAID IT, wd. I provided a plethora of examples of why it is a bald-faced mischaracterization for you to have said/lied about that. Any more questions?............And where have I EVER said that it wasn't wrong for Bush to have launched that preemptive war in Iraq? I have NEVER said that and so you're flat-out lying yet again. I opposed the Iraq War WELL BEFORE frigging Kerry, Clinton, and Biden did............Peter Schweizer told zero lies in that book. He left out one mildly mitigating factor on Pelosi and that was it. His book is a lot more accurate than ANYTHING that the hypocrite Michael Moore has ever done.............And when I said that nobody knew about Ombama and the 57 states gaffe, I was talking about the mainstream media's ignoring of it, not the fact that a bunch of web-sites with single digit viewers ultimately posted something about it.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Hey, Shaw, when are they going to ask a Democrat what he or she reads?......As for people like Brownback, Huckabee, Bachmann, Palin, and Perry not believing in evolution, am I mad about it? I suppose a little bit. I just won't vote for them.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Will: I provided a plethora of examples of why it is a bald-faced mischaracterization for you to have said/lied.

You're lying. You've described yourself as a conservative in the past. YOU called yourself a "blue dog" Democrat. Blue dog Democrats are CONSERVATIVE.

Will: ...where have I EVER said that it wasn't wrong for Bush to have launched that preemptive war in Iraq? I have NEVER said that and so you're flat-out lying yet again.

No, you're flat-out lying. I never said you said you weren't against the Iraq war. What I said was...

I think the case against bush for war crimes is pretty strong... what do you call preventive war (with Iraq in violation of the UN charter) and torture (in violation of the Geneva conventions)? More examples of bush "mucking it up"?

I was asking a question, which is... what the hell do you mean by "wrong"? You used the word "preemptive" which means you're in disagreement with dmarks who thinks war was "already on". But I guess "wrong" and "preemptive" isn't a war crime?

Wikipedia says...

Article 2, Section 4 of the U.N. Charter... prohibits all UN members from exercising "the threat or use of force..." ...self defense by a member state is justified only if, "an armed attack occurs" against it. From this it is reasonable to assume that if no armed attack has yet occurred that no automatic justification for preemptive 'self-defense' has yet been made 'legal' under the UN Charter.

Therefore anyone using the word "preemptive" to describe the Iraq war is also acknowledging the invasion was a war crime. Gotcha.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Man. This is a great idea for a post. Poor Griper will have to wait for my vision for America.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I've never said that I was a conservative, you idiot. A blue-dog Democrat is only a conservative in your wacked-out to the left of Bernie Sanders world.............So I disagree with dnarks on Iraq. So frigging what? Is that still more evidence that I'm a a moderate extremist? Does the Invasion of Iraq de facto constitute a war crime? Probably no more so than LBJ's unprovoked aggression in Vietnam or President Obama's sextupling of the drone attacks in Pakistan. I disagree with what Bush did in Iraq. Is it in fact a war crime? Sorry, but I'm going to wait for somebody with a little more heft than you to put forth an argument.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

If I considered myself a conservative, I would have said, "I am a conservative." Duh. I never said that. And being that I flat-out don't consider blue dog Democrats conservatives, you obviously lied. And, really, what is it here, am I a conservative or a moderate extremist? You're so fucking deluded, you can't even keep track of your own silly constructs that nobody else even acknowledges exists.

Rusty Shackelford said...

What a revolting day this has become.

Just think,in the past year we lost two dem firebrands.

Last Nov. 65% of the voters in his district foolishly,without forethought bounced Alan Grayson out of office after only one term.It could have only been some sort of mass insanity or the election was most assuredly fixed.

Then this very year, poor Anthony Weiner gets thrown under the bus by Obama,Pelosi and Hoyer for some innocent high jinks with his cell phone camera.

Now today,we are told Barney Frank is packing it in (WD,is it use the work packing in the same sentence with Barney Frank)after 16 terms bending over backwards for his constituents.The very same Barney Frank who almost singlehandedly put Fanny and Freddie on the road to prosperity.

Ohhhhh...woe is me.

Les Carpenter said...

Ah, the playground that is politics, and labels have a way of getting in the way.

Shaw Kenawe said...

WH: "Hey, Shaw, when are they going to ask a Democrat what he or she reads?......"

Maybe someone has, and maybe that Democrat answered the question.

The reason Palin was asked that question is that no one really knew anything about her before Cain tapped her to be his running mate. I often ask people I'm newly acquainted with what they read to see if I have something in common with them.

All Palin had to do is name an Alaskan newspaper, some magazines and a book or two--very, very, mindlessly simple, and she couldn't do it. The reason? She probably has little acquaintance with reading. She and Herman Cain have a lot in common. Didn't he just proclaim to the American people "We need a reader, not a leader?"

Scholarship and erudition are not valued very highly in the GOP base.

The leading contenders pander to the uninformed and superstitious in the GOP.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Maybe indeed, Shaw, maybe indeed.............As for Cain, he's an idiot who I suspect isn't really running for President but stumping for his book instead. But just to defend him for a second here, maybe he was referring to Mr. Obama's heavy utilization of the teleprompter and not the fact that he may or may not have read Bertrand Russell.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Will: A blue-dog Democrat is only a conservative in your wacked-out to the left of Bernie Sanders world.

From Wikipedia: [the Blue Dog Coalition] was formed in 1995 during the 104th Congress to give more CONSERVATIVE members from the Democratic party a unified voice after the Democrats' loss of Congress in the U.S. Congressional election of 1994.

Also from Wikipedia: Democrats who identify with the Blue Dogs tend to be CONSERVATIVES...

From the Blue Dog Coalition website: The fiscally CONSERVATIVE Democratic Blue Dog Coalition was formed in 1995... The 25 CONSERVATIVE and moderate Democrats in the group...

Will is so f**king deluded he isn't even aware that Blue Dog Democrats being conservative is COMMON KNOWLEDGE. This is yet another example of his moderate extremism: EVERYTHING he agrees with is "moderate". If it really isn't he just lies -- or deludes himself into believing it is.

Will: And being that I flat-out don't consider blue dog Democrats conservatives, you obviously lied.

Since you don't consider blue dogs to be conservative (even though it is common knowledge that they are), that means I lied??? Give me a break Will. You need to stop deluding yourself. And stop lying.

Will: And, really, what is it here, am I a conservative or a moderate extremist?

Are you a Moderate or a Blue Dog or an Independent? Will is so f**king deluded he can't decide what he is! To illustrate how far gone this liar is... he's also suggested he's a Liberal (but the Progressives moved farther left) and a 99 percenter "in good standing"!!

This is what a moderate extremist liar does... every position he holds is the "reasonable" position... and everything else other people believe is "extremist". LOL!!!

Rusty: Last Nov. 65% of the voters in his district foolishly, without forethought bounced Alan Grayson out of office after only one term. It could have only been some sort of mass insanity or the election was most assuredly fixed.

I call bullshit on Rusty's claim that 65 percent OF the voters were for that anti-woman religious nut Webster. What about the registered voters who didn't turn out? Democratic turnout was DOWN in 2010.

Alan Grayson is running again in 2012. Turnout historically goes up when the president is on the ballot. I'm hopeful that "Taliban Dan" Webster will be bounced after only one term. What will you say then Rusty?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Will: Sorry, but I'm going to wait for somebody with a little more heft than you to put forth an argument.

Another flat-out lie from Will Hart. MANY others (including those with "heft") have put forward this argument.

From Wikipedia: Some International legal experts, including the International Commission of Jurists, the US-based National Lawyers' Guild, a group of 31 Canadian law professors, and the US-based Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy have found this legal rationale to be untenable, and are of the view that the invasion was not supported by UN resolution and was therefore ILLEGAL.

Also from Wikipedia: independent commission of inquiry set up by the government of the Netherlands [says] UN resolution 1441 "cannot reasonably be interpreted as authorizing individual member states to use military force to compel Iraq to comply with the Security Council's resolutions". (by which they mean the invasion was illegal).

Individuals who have also deemed the invasion of Iraq ordered by George W bush to be illegal (also excerpted from Wikipedia):

Former Netherlands Supreme Court president Willibrord Davids, who lead a detailed legal investigation conducted by an independent commission of inquiry set up by the government of the Netherlands. The commission concluded that "regime change" as practiced by the powers that invaded Iraq had "no basis in international law". (i.e. the invasion was illegal).

Richard Perle, a senior member of the Bush Administration's Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee, conceded in November 2003 that the invasion was illegal (but still justified).

Former Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Mohamed ElBaradei has called for international criminal investigation of former Bush administration officials.

Benjamin B. Ferencz, one of the chief prosecutors for the United States at the military trials of German officials following WWII and a former law professor [said] George W. Bush [should be put on trial] because the Iraq War had been begun by the U.S. without permission by the UN Security Council. (i.e. the invasion was illegal).

This is PROOF POSITIVE that Will Hart isn't waiting "for somebody with a little more heft than [w-dervish] to put forth an argument". Is he going to argue that he was unaware of all the people who have determined that the invasion of Iraq was illegal (and therefore a war crime committed by George W bush)???

No, I think this denying of the facts by Will is clearly yet another example of his moderate extremism. That is what moderate extremists do: ignore any facts that aren't harmonious with their moderate worldview.

Will: maybe [Herman Cain] was referring to Mr. Obama's heavy utilization of the teleprompter...

No, he was quoting the Simpson's Movie. The adulterer/sexual harasser/typical Republican hypocrite must like his toons, because he's also quoted Pokémon ("9 most ridiculed Herman Cain quotes", numbers 3 and 6).

Shaw Kenawe said...

WH: "But just to defend him for a second here, maybe he was referring to Mr. Obama's heavy utilization of the teleprompter and not the fact that he may or may not have read Bertrand Russell."

I don't know what this refers to, but let me put to rest the silly meme about Mr. Obama and the teleprompter:

Every president since Ronald Reagan has used the teleprompter. Even Palin herself has used one, in addition to writing crib notes on the palm of her hand to remind herself of what she believes in.

This is just another way for the conservatives to denigrate Obama, and it's hilariously stupid.

Our last president, GWB, used the teleprompter AND index cards, and when he spoke without them, we were treated to these Bushisms:

"Anyone engaging in illegal financial transactions will be caught and persecuted." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Sept. 19, 2008

"The people in Louisiana must know that all across our country there's a lot of prayer -- prayer for those whose lives have been turned upside down. And I'm one of them." --George W. Bush, Baton Rouge, La., Sept. 3, 2008

"And they have no disregard for human life." --George W. Bush, on the brutality of Afghan fighters, Washington, D.C., July 15, 2008

"Throughout our history, the words of the Declaration have inspired immigrants from around the world to set sail to our shores. These immigrants have helped transform 13 small colonies into a great and growing nation of more than 300 people." --George W. Bush, Charlottesville, Va., July 4, 2008

This last one is in the same league as Obama's "57 states" flub. Every fair minded person knows Bush meant 300 million, just as it was clear Obama was talking about 57 primaries.

But, you see, Will, the media likes to play up this insignificant nonsense because it distracts people from facing our very real, very difficult problems.

And we make matters worse by repeating the nonsense as though it were significant.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Oh, and this one for the wingnuts who believe that Obama's pronunciation of corps as "corpse" was proof positive of his lack of intelligence.

They'd have to apply the same reasoning to Dubya:

"Soldiers, sailors, Marines, airmen, and Coastmen...thanks for coming, thanks for wearing the uniform." --George W. Bush, at the Pentagon, March 19, 2008

Rusty Shackelford said...

FYI WD.Registered voters who dont turn out are'nt really considered voters.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Rusty: FYI WD. Registered voters who dont turn out are'nt really considered voters.

Republicans LOVE it when the turnout is depressed... because it favors their candidates. Democrats want everyone to vote.

Republicans like Rusty are anti-democracy and proud of it.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Bush was an idiot and not so good of a President, Shaw? Really? Gee, stop the presses.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

And I cannot wait to learn that Austrian language. Gee, maybe it's on Rosetta Stone.......As for Mr. Obama in general, yeah, he's smarter than Bush but he ain't all that intelligent. I mean, the fellow actually thinks that FDR got us out of the Great Depression, the fellow who, in the spring of 1939, presided over a 20% unemployment rate - more than 6 frigging years after he was swore in. Karl frigging Popper, he (Obama, I'm saying) ain't.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

wd, again, I never said that I was a conservative and I don't consider myself a conservative. Just because you can connect a couple of dots doesn't mean a damn thing. You lied about what I called and considered myself to be.......Blanche Lincoln and Evan Bayh were considered blue-dog Democrats. But if you look at their conservative rankings by various conservative groups who actually monitor stuff like this, they are not considered conservative BY THEM.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Oh, and wd, what do these cherry-picked experts say about the purposeful targeting of major metropolitan areas that have zero military value? I'm curious, because, during WW2, FDR routinely targeted major population centers to the tunes of hundreds of thousands of dead civilians. Seriously, I'm curious.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I gave you what you asked for Will. You said nobody with "heft" had ever said the invasion of Iraq was illegal. So what's up with this "cherry picked" BS? Just nonsense to cover up the fact that you lied.

I give the dude exactly what he asked for and he denies he asked for it!

Will Hart = deluded moderate extremist.

Will: ...I never said that I was a conservative and I don't consider myself a conservative.

I consider you a conservative.

Will: [Barack Obama] actually thinks that FDR got us out of the Great Depression...

If President Obama thinks FDR got us out of the Great Depression my guess as to why he believes this would be... because he did.

This is another example, btw, of something that makes you a conservative... you absolutely canNOT give a Liberal president credit... not only that, you think an obviously incredibly smart man "ain't all that intelligent" for disagreeing with your conservatively biased views.

Will Hart = moderate extremist who ain't all that intelligent.

Mordechai said...

Well, will FDR did double GDP between his taking office and Jan 1940.


Industrial output rose from the lows of 1933, to the levels of 1928 before FDR made the mistake of listening to GOPers and cutting back on the new deal which was working, cause it helped GDP and industrial output both increase markedly.

Remember will unemployment is ALWAYS a lagging indicator, NOT a leading indicator of the economy.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Bullshit, wd. I give Truman, JFK, and Clinton a lot of credit and would probably put all three of them in the top 10. FDR was a great war-time President and in certain respects a great man but he was a flat-out lousy steward of the economy. For the unemployment rate to be still over 20% AFTER SIX YEARS of his incomprehensibly stupid policies (the NRA, which even John Maynard Keynes said would retard the recovery, the AAA which actually had farmers destroy crops and livestock at the same time that people were starving, his over-reliance on excise taxes which disproportionately hurt the working class, etc.) is as comprehensive of an indictment as you can get. The Depression, in my opinion, didn't officially end until FDR died and Truman took over.............As for there being people who think that Bush is a war criminal, of course there are people out there who think that. But have you ever heard of even one prominent politician from either party assert that? Bernie Sanders? Howard Dean? Barney Frank? Dennis Kucinich? What, are these fellows a part of the great right-wing conspiracy, too? OR, are they simply cowards who are afraid that saying something this combustible would ruin their careers?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

You can't have it both ways, number guy. You can't sat that FDR was a great President and then say the dude didn't even have the wherewithal to follow though on his own awesome policies.............And the depression within a depression being caused by FDR trying to balance the budget is a theory. It isn't a fact. Unionization was also taking off in 1937 and that put a great strain on employers and their ability to reinvest in capital. The Fed also raised reserve requirements which took a lot of money out of the economy.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

And nobody wants to talk about FDR intentionally targeting civilians. Gee, what a surprise.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Two statements by Will Hart that PROVE he is a Conservative...

[1] "The Depression, in my opinion, didn't officially end until FDR died and Truman took over".

Here Will shows that he is MORE Conservative than Conservatives who give no credit to FDR's policies but do say WWII got us out of the depression.

[2] "Unionization was also taking off in 1937 and that put a great strain on employers and their ability to reinvest in capital".

Typical Conservative union bashing... and total nonsense. Paying people a fair wage hurts the "job creators" is a meme you'd expect from a Republican!

Will: But have you ever heard of even one prominent politician from either party assert that? Bernie Sanders? Howard Dean? Barney Frank? Dennis Kucinich?

Dennis Kucinich said bush was a war criminal. Articles of impeachement introduced by Dennis Kucinich say (in part), bush "invaded Iraq in violation of U.S. law, the United Nations Charter, and international criminal law and failed to obtain a declaration of war".

Invaded Iraq in violation of the law = war criminal.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

That WW2 got us out of the Depression is also just a theory. The war time economy was a total mess (rationing, price controls, etc.) and the only reason that the unemployment figures went down is because (HELLO!) pretty much everybody was either fighting the war or making munitions. The Depression more that likely ended because Truman/Congress had the good sense to get rid of wage and price controls, loosen even more international trade, and cease the constant threatening of business that FDR was constantly engaging in. FDR has ZERO experience in business and it showed through his draconian and inexplicable manipulations of the market. In the NRA, for example (example courtesy of Gene Smiley), a dry cleaner on the outskirts of town had to charge the same price as the dry cleaner from the city. This put the dry cleaner on the outskirts at a disadvantage because he couldn't compensate through price the problem with location. Ergo, he goes out of business (thank you, FDR). And what kind of an idiot destroys food when you have a country with people starving in it? How in the hell is that progressive? And how in the hell are excise taxes progressive, refusing to back a national anti-lynching bill, etc.? Truman, Ike, and JFK were far superior Presidents, in my opinion, wd.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

And my point on unions isn't nonsense (unless you consider people like Gene Smiley and Amity Shlaes purveyors of nonsense). Not every businessman was a gazillionaire, wd. A lot of smaller to mid-sized companies had to absorb the added cost of labor and it forced many of them to hire less. Yeah, maybe over time the increase in demand had a positive effect but, initially, no.