Monday, November 14, 2011

Note to 37927/Cliffy/1138/Bartlebee/anonymous/Some Other Fucking Idiot Whose Handle I've Forgotten

Dude, you come to MY site and spew forth some of the most profane conspiracy theories out there. And then you berate me and insult me when I don't completely buy into them. What, pray tell, kind of a lunatic does something like that? I mean, really. And the fact that you're constantly calling ME, a partisan - a person who even the most casual of observers would readily discern as QUITE unaffiliated (this, as opposed to you, a person who is totally down the line on virtually EVERYTHING!). I gotta be honest with you here, fellow, it's getting kind of creepy. You might want to clean it up a little or move along.


Rusty Shackelford said...

You've forgotten Worf and Mike.

What a friggin crew that was over there.

I looked at that blog a couple weeks ago, Worf and Johnny MooMoo had 65 comments in the course of a hour.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said... says a partisan is "an adherent or supporter of a person, group, party, or cause, especially a person who shows a biased, emotional allegiance".

The cause Will Hart is an adherent supporter of is moderation (as he sees it). Fact is he's an extreme adherent to that cause. Which, according to the dictionary definition, makes him a partisan.

For the record, I haven't seen any profane conspiracy theories spewed by any of your commenters. All I've seen is legitimate conspiracy theories (with lots of facts backing them up) outright dismissed by the blog proprietor.

I've also never seen Will Hart berated or insulted when he doesn't completely buy into them (conspiracy theories). In fact, as someone who has been called "not the sharpest tool in the shed", it appears to me that it is Will Hart who is the one doing the insulting.

Maybe it's time for Will Hart to "move along". I mean, if he can't tolerate contradictory opinions, perhaps he should make his blog private and invite only dmarks, Rusty and Voltron to view it.

Those are the people who tend to agree with him more often than not, despite the fact that they're conservatives and Will Hart says he's a moderate.

Anonymous said...


Sounds like someone is feeling a bit lonely and jealous...

"Maybe it's time for Will Hart to "move along". I mean, if he can't tolerate contradictory opinions, perhaps he should make his blog private and invite only dmarks, Rusty and Voltron to view it."

Are you longing to be part of this list of commenters, w-d? Is that it?

Someone needs a hug, apparently.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Russ, aren't Bartlebee and Worf the same guy? And, yeah, Mike is a possibility, too.............wd, you call me a corporatist simply because I want to tax the officers and not the capital. You call me pro-rich despite the fact that, under my proposal, the rich would pay significantly more. You call me pro-war despite the fact that I've opposed literally every military action over the past 50 years save for one limited one. You call me a Bush apologist simply because I'm a little reticent to heave around accusations such as "war criminal" and the fact that he knew about 9/11 before it happened (I also gave Mr. Bush a D in my grading of modern Presidents). You call me a Reagan apologist simply because I don't buy into a conspiracy theory that he been severely debunked REPEATEDLY (Reagan, I gave a B-)! And now you've concocted this absolutely ludicrous construct of "moderate extremism" and want me to move along from my own blog. I don't know, dude, I'm beginning to think that you don't get out of the house AT ALL.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

ecc102, I have a fair # of moderate and even liberal positions. But my conservative colleagues have never eviscerated me for them (yeah, Rusty makes fun of me once in a while but it's all in fun). What is it in the paranoid progressive's mind that makes them so intolerant of measure?

dmarks said...

WD: If Will were an ideological extremist as a "moderate" you'd find him slavlshly and in a somehow partisan fashion supporting the middle view on all issues. But he doesn't. I don't know if he supports the middle view on most of them. He takes the left-wing view on abortion, for example. Or a right-wing view on Valerie Plame.

An ideological "extremist" would not have such plentiful deviations from a centrist ideology. In fact, he would have none at all.

Rusty Shackelford said...

Yea Will,Bartlebee and Worf were indeed the same person.Clif does some posting at Kaye in Maine's place...its comical,there he's viewed as some sort of sage.

Now Kaye's blog would be a place WD would feel right at home.They do a conspiracy dujour.Just last week crazy Kaye surmised that Penn State University had performed a contract killing on a former district attorney.Yea,WD could make a seemless transition to that place.Hell,he'd be viewed as a wizard.

Anonymous said...


You asked, regarding w-d:
"What is it in the paranoid progressive's mind that makes them so intolerant of measure?"

Oh, and I both know it is the by-product of the mental disorder known as liberalism.

Liberals, or progressives, or Socialists, all have the common trait of childish denial and feigned anger whenever their highly-vaunted opinions are challenged. Much like a child stomping his or her foot at their parents when told "No", the liberals are nothing less than spoiled, victimized brats weaned on self-entitlement and the steady lullaby of "It's not my fault, it's not my fault".

I know I am a rightist who will not waver. I simply won't. Can I honestly listen to someone with an open-mind? Depends on the issue. Do I come at someone with a verbal gun if they throw a verbal knife at me? Sure.

But I'm not so entrenched in my ideals that I cannot, at times, take a step back and consider a differing viewpoint. Maybe the person challenging me will make my position more solid, or maybe they will expose a weakness in my armor.

I'm good with either. Hence, I'm a rightist.

dmarks said...

ecc said: "Liberals, or progressives, or Socialists, all have the common trait of childish denial and feigned anger whenever their highly-vaunted opinions are challenged"

Sorry, I notice this no less from conservatives, libertarians, randists, etc.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Gotta go with WD Will. You're an extremist moderate of the worst sort.

No doubt you prefer chicks with moderate sized boobs and medium firm rear ends that drive tan Ford Tauruses and listen to Seals and Crofts and Donny Osmond.

Frankly Will, you frighten me with your extreme moderate stance.

dmarks said...

Truth: What do you expect. His family has 2.3 kids in it.

Anonymous said...


You are correct, sir. Jackassery is a school of demeanor that has top graduates form both the right and the left.

Mordechai said...

Sounds to me like somebodies panties got twisted a bit, and ha can't take it on his blog. even a minor twisting, but on other blogs he sure could dish it out.

freakin' hypocrite

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Aaaaghhh! Dmarks posted a comment that made me laugh. I'm growing moderate. Aaaaaghhh!

Anonymous said...

"somebodies panties"?

Grammar, grammar, grammar.

Love me that public school edukayshun.

Mordechai said...

public school edukayshun.

Actually I attended a Catholic School, K-12.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Thank you, dmarks. Yes, I have liberal positions, conservative positions, and moderate positions. I mean, yes, I DO like it when the 2 parties work together (as Kerry and Hutchison are doing on infrastructure and Rivlin and Domenici did on their report) and all, but that doesn't make me an extremist, I don't think.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Will: you call me a corporatist simply because [of one stance regarding taxation].

Not true. I say you're a corporatist because of your support for reducing corporate taxes to zero, support of job killing free trade agreements, constant worrying about rich people being overtaxed, and your general dislike and opposition to unions.

These are all positions championed by the wealthy and corporations.

Will: want me to move along from my own blog.

What are you talking about? I don't want this. I said perhaps you should switch your blog from being public to private. That way you can screen your commenters and only get comments you agree with. If that's what you want... and it sounded like you do, because you suggested 37927 move on.

Why? Because he said you were the pot calling the kettle black? That's the comment that angered you? I mean, if that's the case, perhaps you should quit blogging, or switch your blog from public to private.

ecc102: Sounds like someone is feeling a bit lonely and jealous.

It does. Although I think that person would be you, not me. Sorry I forgot you when I listed the individuals Will should send an invitation to if he took his blog private. No need to worry though, being a Rightwinger I'm sure he'd send you an invitation.

Rusty: Just last week crazy Kaye surmised that Penn State University had performed a contract killing on a former district attorney.

I have no idea what you're talking about. I also have no interest in finding out what you're talking about. I'm not interested in "conspiracy dujour", so I doubt I would feel right at home.

ecc102: you and I both know it is the by-product of the mental disorder known as liberalism. ...all have the common trait of childish denial and feigned anger...

Actually, it is conservatism that is a mental illness. My denial has nothing to do with childishness; it's because that is what I do when confronted with information that is not truthful. As for the anger, I have none... feigned or genuine.

ecc102: I know I am a rightist who will not waver. I simply won't... But I'm not so entrenched in my ideals that I cannot... consider a differing viewpoint.

If you are representative of a typical Rightwinger (and I think you are), I'd say a common Conservative trait you just exhibited was to state something and then completely contradict yourself.

ecc102: Someone needs a hug, apparently.

You're not getting one from me.

Truth 101: Aaaaghhh! Dmarks posted a comment that made me laugh.

I had to laugh as well. There are quite a few words dmarks does not know the meaning of. "Moderate" is another one we can add to the list. He thinks it means "average".

dmarks said...

WD: "I had to laugh as well. There are quite a few words dmarks does not know the meaning of. "Moderate" is another one we can add to the list. He thinks it means "average"."

I know the meanings of a lot more words than you think I do. I completely pwn you on the meaning of "fascism" for example.

As for the meaning of moderate, check the Free online dictionary. It means:

"Of medium or average quantity or extent." or "b. Of limited or average quality; mediocre."

So, in discussion of moderate things, mentioning an average quantity of kids fits perfectly.

Oops. You said something without checking it first. Are you vocabulary skills really that... average?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

dmarks: So, in discussion of moderate things, mentioning an average quantity of kids fits perfectly.

Politically moderate people have an average number of children? I suppose that, by definition, if you have more or less than the average number of children, you cannot be politically moderate?

Actually, I think the number of children a person has nothing to do with where they stand politically.

As for your use of the word "fascism", you haven't a clue. Proof of that is your insistence that such a thing as Leftwing fascism can exist.

Mordechai said...

"b. Of limited or average quality; mediocre."

Will is definitely a "moderate" by this definition.

dmarks said...

WD: "As for your use of the word "fascism", you haven't a clue. Proof of that is your insistence that such a thing as Leftwing fascism can exist."

I looked at actual definitions, and pointed out actual leftwing policies that fit it. You merely chose to ignore the facts.

At least you have backed off from the lie that the word "moderate" has nothing to do with the word "average"

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

dmarks: You merely chose to ignore the facts.

No, I chose to go exclusively with the facts. The word "fascism" was invented by Mussolini compatriot Giovanni Gentile to describe the Rightwing form of government instituted in Italy under the rule of "Il Duce". The word was first defined in The Doctrine of Fascism, which is, "the most complete articulation of Mussolini's political views".

Mussolini was a Rightwinger that believed Italy's corporations should have a say in how the government was run. This is the exact opposite of Leftwing philosophy, which says that THE PEOPLE should be in control. A leftwing government can NOT, by definition, be "fascist".

Labeling anything leftwing "fascist" is an oxymoron.

dmarks: At least you have backed off from the lie that the word "moderate" has nothing to do with the word "average".

I didn't say that. I said being politically moderate has nothing to do with being average... i.e. politically moderate people don't necessarily have a moderate number of children. The two things are unrelated.

Mordechai said...

The Democratic Party of the US is the moderate party in our system, not a left wing in historical terms.

The Republican party hold the right wing with NO national party holding the left political field, as the original terms were defined during the French revolution, where the left right split for political discussion originated.

A true left wing party would be pushing truly socialistic views, which only FDR and LBJ came with in spitting distance.

The 21st century usage by right leaning propagandists, media types and bloggers distort the real meanings to HIDE the fact we have NO national left at all and the main stream democratic party is centrist.

In the French revolution the three parties were constituted as thus;

Right wing;

The conservative foes of the revolution, as exemplified by Jacques Antoine Marie de Cazalès, a spokesman for the King, and Jean-Sifrein Maury, a member of the Church.

Protectors of the rich and privilege positions.


Pierre Victor, baron Malouet; Trophime-Gérard, marquis de Lally-Tollendal; Stanislas Marie Adelaide, comte de Clermont-Tonnerre; Jean Joseph Mounier, all whom wanted to see a constitutional monarchy similar to the then current British model.

People who thought you could honestly deal with the right in France in 18th century, like some do in the 21st century with our modern aristocracy we have putting corporations ahead of people and trumpeting moneyed interested ahead of citizens.


Mirabeau, the Marquis de Lafayette, and Jean-Sylvain Bailly who were representing mainly the interests of the middle classes, but strongly sympathetic to the broader range of the common people.

In essence the leftists of France wanted to do for the French people what the revolutionaries had done in America against the King of England.

Any moderate position was doomed to failure because until The flight to Varennes, June 20, 1791: the moderates believed Louis was willing to keep his word. He wasn't and after that date the moderate position was shown as hollow when faced with deceit and intransigence from the right. This is very similar to todays moderate attempts at placating the right wing leaders of the Tea party, IE Koch brothers and their fronts, and of course the republicans who would rather defeat Obama then solve the counties problems, their ideology created in the first place.

We have no national left party in the US though the 99% occupy wall street movement looks promising at creating one.

They could look to the delcaration from National Assembly,titled "Declaration of the rights of man and the citizen."

The representatives of the French people, organized as a National Assembly, believing that the ignorance, neglect, or contempt of the rights of man are the sole cause of public calamities and of the corruption of governments, have determined to set forth in a solemn declaration the natural, unalienable, and sacred rights of man, in order that this declaration, being constantly before all the members of the Social body, shall remind them continually of their rights and duties; in order that the acts of the legislative power, as well as those of the executive power, may be compared at any moment with the objects and purposes of all political institutions and may thus be more respected, and, lastly, in order that the grievances of the citizens, based hereafter upon simple and incontestable principles, shall tend to the maintenance of the constitution and redound to the happiness of all.

This would work very well here since no corporation could ever be defined as man. Since it defines citizen as "man" then no artificial corporate construction could ever qualify. I would add woman to the definition, so the far right couldn't use that omission of 1789 as a wedge to try one of their oldest tricks devide people some way to destroy true progress for all.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Hey, 37927, you're done, mother-fucker. I don't want to see you on this blog again - in this, or any of your other plethora of paranoiac handles. You're obviously still pissed at something that happened 3-4 years ago and you really need to get some help for it, buddy. Just not here. Just not here.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Will: Hey, 37927, you're done, *expletive*. I don't want to see you on this blog again...

Huh? I don't see a comment in this thread that crossed a line/went to far. This is because of the "pot calling the kettle black" comment?? That seemed rather mild to me. If that's all it takes I'm surprised I'm not banned too.

dmarks said...

The American Democratic party is definitely left-wing. No more "moderate" than the Republican party. If you measure from the political center.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

It wasn't specifically the comments, wd. It's the fact they have all been totally unprovoked. The guy is seemingly holding a grudge from 3-4 years ago and I would just rather not deal with him. I gave him his say and I considered it. What in the hell else more did he want? And, besides, if it's the guy who I think it is, it's just gonna get worse. He can insult me over at yours or Sue's blog.