Sunday, November 6, 2011

A Call to Freer Thinking

Throw off the ideological straight-jackets, folks. The country's imploding, and the very last thing that it needs right now is dogma, more dogma, idiots like Sean Hannity and Ed Schultz making total fools out of themselves NIGHTLY, etc.................................................................................................I mean, just take a look at this whole global-warming debate. You got people on one side who say that global-warming doesn't exist, PERIOD, and that the whole thing is nothing but a hoax/fabrication. This, and on the other side, you have people who not only say that it exists but that it represents Armageddon next week (yes, I'm exaggerating), and that we should be spending trillions in order to prevent it. It's (the two silly extremes bickering over it) almost like frigging romper room, for Christ..............................................................................................................And then there's the whole thing with the budget situation. The Simpson-Bowles debt commission AND the Domenici-Rivlin plan have both put forth very credible proposals on reducing the country's burgeoning debt/deficits. But each of these very serious proposals....ARE JUST SITTING THERE. The liberals don't like them because they address the damned Holy Grail; entitlement programs, and the conservatives don't like them because they also have the audacity to address revenues. I mean, it's almost as if the two sides (the Republicans more so, perhaps) are bound and determined to take the country....I don't know, somewhere, and it isn't good.


Anonymous said...

Let us march to DC with pitchforks, torches, and an ample supply of both tar and feathers and take the matter into our own hands, then. Fire them all. Then fumigate the place and be sure to remove the stench of politics.

We can swing by the Occupy movements, give them all sound spankings, flea baths, and then send them home. They desperately need to grow the hell up and cease embarrassing themselves.

We can also stop by the White House and demand Mr. Obama tell us what the hell is he thinking in supporting the Occupiers, Solyndra, Fast and Furious, the New Black Panther Party, Timothy Geithner, Eric Holder, and many other issues that he won't own up to.

Then we can make sure the States return to their sovereignty, the Federal government focuses on the mail, highways, and national defense, and the Supreme Court gets an enema.

Les Carpenter said...

What I would find amusing, were it not so pathetic, is the fact that our entire system is being held hostage by pull peddlers and special interests. The new Oligarchy is rapidly approaching.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

What Will perceives as "freer thinking" is, IMO, really an ideologically Moderate straightjacket. I reject Will's call for more people to think like him. We don't need more moderation any more than we need more Conservatism. Both, IMO, are toxic.

I applaud the Democrats who opposed cuts to our social safety net (by opposing the terrible debt reduction plans you cite). We need these programs more then ever in these difficult times.

Also, no need to get your global climate change denying panties in a bunch Will, because doing anything about it looks like a dead issue to me. Unfortunately doing nothing is going to end up costing us trillions more... but I'm sure those of your ilk will blame it on sunspots or something.

As for Ed Schultz... If he were to give a damn at all what you think of him... I think he should feel honored by your loathing... obviously he's taken the place in your heart once occupied by Keith Olbermann. If you really think he's that good perhaps I should start watching him (lately I've only been watching Olbermann, Maddow, and Chris Hayes on the weekends).

Edgar said...

So Will is it fair to say that you disagree with Ed Schultz and think we need to throw the middle class under the bus and dismantle and privatize SS, Medicare, and all pensions so we can afford to give MORE tax cuts to the super wealthy?

Edgar said...

I dont know about Will but I'm a social worker and I keep hearing these Conservatives and tea party crazies babbling that we need to DESTROY, they call it "reform" but they really want to end pensions, reduce salary's for all those over paid fatcats like social workers, teachers, cops, firefighters etc... and cut benefits and privatize Social Security, Medicare they can afford to give more tax cuts to billionaires.

Thats the platform of every Republican candidate out there, they want a flat tax that lowers taxes on the super wealthy and large corporations substantially and to be able to afford this class warfare and great transfer of wealth to the super wealthy they want to raise taxes on the working class and cut the social safety net.

I dont know about any of you, but I am just a working class guy and my government pension (that I keep hearing Conservatives say I dont "deserve" if I collect SS) and SS and Medicare are all I got, I would not be able to survive after I retire or am no longer able to work without these programs.

So to hear people say that my pension, SS and Medicare benefits need to be cut so we can pay for more tax cuts to the top 1% is crazy psycho talk.

dmarks said...

"So to hear people say that my pension, SS and Medicare benefits need to be cut so we can pay for more tax cuts to the top 1% is crazy psycho talk."

No, but maybe we should means test the hell out of SS and Medicare to get rid of the waste. They DO give out money to the well off and wealthy.

Edgar said...

dmarks said: "No, but maybe we should means test the hell out of SS and Medicare to get rid of the waste. They DO give out money to the well off and wealthy."

Amen to that brother!!!

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I'll second that amen. I saw Bowles, Simpson, Rivlin, and Domenici testifying and one of the points that Mr. Bowles made was that we have multi-millionaires having $150,000 operations and not even having to cut a check (Medicare and whatever supplemental paying for it) for it. My God, gents, even if we means-tested it by 10-15%, that would mean billions more to the treasury annually. The time has clearly come, I'm thinking.

John Myste said...

Well, I for one think way too many people are surviving now, and we need to stop this. The governments job is not to represent the needs of all the people. It is to represent the needs of the wealthier people. Lets keep our wars and our defense of property and our 15% cap on around 50% of the earnings of the wealthy.

Let's get rid of the social safety net entirely. It is the right thing to do. The rich don't need that.

And one last thing: let's make sure we tax everyone, even when doing so is tantamount to taxing a little boy his last peanut butter sandwich, because everyone needs to put some skin in the game (unless they have dollars, which will substitute).

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

John, I'm sure that Bill Gates probably doesn't take his Social Security check (or at the very least he donates it to charity). But if we/the government skimmed off about 10-15% of what the very rich get in SS and plunged it back into the fund, we could probably extend the life of the program by DECADES. And nobody frigging gets hurt. Even Jimmy Carter likes this idea and said so on Rachel Maddow's show.

dmarks said...

I'm not sure what John Myste's sarcasm is. Is he arguing for welfare for the rich?

dmarks said...

The "Detroit News" has an article recently about the state employees with a meager $10,000 or so yearly state pension.

And contrasted them with the state employees rolling in the ill-gotten gains of $150,000+ state-paid pensions. Millionaires, most of them. And one in particular with a $170,000 state job he is working at while receiving a massive pension.