Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Saddest Part of My Weekend; Saturday and Sunday at 8 PM

AKA, when the absolutely gorgeous Harris Faulkner yields the throne to a somewhat lesser attractive, shall we say, Mr. Mike Huckabee.


Dervish Z Sanders said...

I've got zero feelings of attraction (even somewhat lesser ones) for the Huckserbee. None at all. I can't stand the guy.

I think too much Fox Nooz is warping your brain... I'm talking about its effect on your blogging (your pro-corporate and "taxation is thievery" posts), not your attraction to Mike Huckabee.

dmarks said...
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dmarks said...

I've never seen anything pro-corporate from Will. He does, after all, advocate a high tax rate on corporations.

A pro-corporate person would advocate 0% or less taxation.

As for theft, or stealing, let's look at the definition: "Take (another person's property) without permission or legal right and without intending to return it:"

Taxation, by which the ruling class forcibly takes people's property under threat of violence, does come pretty close to meeting the definition of stealing, except for the part about "legal right". Will's not far off base.

The "Fox Nooz" term is as juvenile as those on the Right who called CNN "Clinton News Network". Is it too much to ask in intelligent conversation to call something by its real name. Such "cutesy" phrases always end up making the user, not the target, look bad.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

This was a joke post, wd. I was making fun of Mr. Huckabee, I'd significantly rather watch the hottie anchor babe, yada yada....Just for the record here, Harris Faulker has 5 emmy awards for her local reporting and does an essentially bias free show on Fox. Not that you'd ever be interested in such mitigating factors, mind you.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

He does have a point, dmarks. I am in favor of eliminating the corporate income tax (something that a lot of open-mined liberals are also coming around to). But I more than offset it by eliminating the special consideration for capital-gains, removing the Bush era tax-cuts for wealthier Americans, and capping the mortgage interest deduction at $500,000. The rich would probably pay a lot more under my plan that they currently do. But wd doesn't like to think outside the box/orthodoxy.

dmarks said...

Thanks for the correction. I am open to your idea, and there's certainly nothing pro-rich about it.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I'm not having any better luck turning wd on to these Fox News hotties, either. He probably wouldn't even watch 'em with the sound turned down.

Dervish Z Sanders said...

Women named Harris and bigoted Hucksterbees who think poor people with pre-existing conditions should drop dead turn me OFF.

This woman with a man's name, while not ugly, certainly is not "absolutely gorgeous".

"Hotties" are a dime a dozen. I don't need to tune into Fox Nooz to get my fix.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

What WD and others don't realize is that corporations don't really pay tax anyway.
It ALWAYS gets passed on to the consumer in higher product prices.
So a corporate tax is actually a tax on those who can least afford it.

And btw, I never called CNN the "Clinton news network".

Communist News Network maybe...

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Kinda like PMSDNC, which has Tingles Matthews and that teenage boy Rick Madcow or whatever his name is...

dmarks said...

My favorite one was MFNFN, which was on a sitcom, Newsnight, which starred Al Franken, an amusing buffoon who has since gone on to other things.

Dervish Z Sanders said...

Voltron: What WD and others don't realize is that corporations don't really pay tax anyway.

Of course they don't! Nor do rich people. They pass on the cost of their salaries to the consumer. This is why only middle class and poor people should pay taxes.

If only the taxes on the rich job creators were zero goods would be cheap and plentiful, demand would skyrocket, and there would be three or four jobs for everyone! In other words, the US would become a free market paradise.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

WD, with anyone else I'd say that was sarcasm.

With you, I don't know if you really mean that or not...

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I remember that show, dmarks; yet another blatant rip-off of the Mary Tyler Moore Show format. I think that it lasted but half a season or so.

Dervish Z Sanders said...

Will: I remember that show, dmarks...

You were able to decipher what dmarks meant? Please tell me what "MFNFN" is. As for this show "Newsnight" that starred Al Franken, I'm going to guess that what you mean is LateLine.

This show was not a "yet another blatant rip-off of the Mary Tyler Moore Show format". Is every doctor or lawyer show a rip off of the very first doctor or lawyer show that aired?

I'll have to break out my DVD box set of the series... it's been awhile since I enjoyed Al's comic genius.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I remember Franken making a joke to the effect that it WAS a rip-ff. The "Mary Tyler Moore Show" was the gold standard of this genre. Franken's and the rest of these imitations were derivative at best, noxious at worst.

dmarks said...

WD: "Please tell me what "MFNFN" is. As for this show "Newsnight" that starred Al Franken, I'm going to guess that what you mean is LateLine."

I had no idea what MFNFN stood for. Ah. I got the name wrong. Thanks for correcting it.

Will: There are two other shows of this genre that I enjoyed more than "MTM": "WKRP" and "Welcome to New York". Come to think of it, I will count "Frasier" too. Loved that one.