Friday, August 5, 2011

More on Jeffs

I've also noticed that certain bloggers are using this Jeffs trial as a pretext to put a smack-down on Mormonism as a whole; the fact that Mr. Jeffs uses quotes from the "Book of Mormon" to justify his sexual exploits with young girls, etc.. And that's fine. I have no overwhelming desire to defend or justify any religion (especially one with Donny and Marie Osmond amongst its brethren).....................................................................................................I just have to wonder, though. Will these same individuals who are currently blasting away at Mormonism do similarly the next time that some Islamic terrorist blows something up, and justifies it by quoting from the Koran. I ask this, folks, in that, yes, it seems far more politically incorrect these days to blast away at Islam than to do so at Christianity (or, in the case of Mormonism, an exceedingly offbeat offshoot of it)/western dogma....I mean, America IS always wrong, right?


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you a fan of South Park? Didn't you see the episode where they criticize Mormonism?

The gist of the episode is that Joseph Smith was a liar and the book of Mormon is bullshit... which is pretty much how I view it. But if others want to believe in it... that's their business.

I take it this trial has been in the news lately? I mean, I didn't watch any of the Casey Anthony trial, although I was aware it was taking place. This Jeffs thing though... if there was a trial I totally missed it.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

"South Park" criticizes everybody. And that's the point, THEY'RE consistent.

Les Carpenter said...

This I posted at a left as left as you can get blog...

"Then you ought to post about every case of child rape, child pornography, how the Islamist faith allows for denigration and yes molestation of women and children, including mercy killings.

Just to be fair and balanced.

I, like you and every other sane person finds Jeffs beyond despicable. Personally I think he out to be abused in like fashion, castrated, his balls sewn in his mouth, allowed to suffer a long while and then be drawn and quartered.

He who has no respect for the life and well being of children do not deserve their own. IMO."

And to this I will add it is my feeling that the extreme left will remain silent on any issues related to Islamic bigotry, the abuse of women and children, or just about everything that rational people find hideous simple because of their strong "multicultural" motivations. That and they see America and the west in general as the antagonists.

Just one man's opinion...

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Consistency rulz!!!!!

dmarks said...

As for Islam, I suppose there's the other connection in this subject when you consider the fact that the Koran reports the founder of Islam as having raped a 9 year old girl.

Commander Zaius said...

Any member or members of a group, club, party, religion, or quilting bee can do and believe insane things. Islam has a serious number of FUBARed members right now but way back they were the enlightened ones while Christianity was in the Dark Ages.

The Bible even mentions that a man can sell his daughter into slavery. Which in my book is pretty barbaric.

"The following passage describes the sickening practice of sex slavery. How can anyone think it is moral to sell your own daughter as a sex slave?"

When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again. But he is not allowed to sell her to foreigners, since he is the one who broke the contract with her. And if the slave girl's owner arranges for her to marry his son, he may no longer treat her as a slave girl, but he must treat her as his daughter. If he himself marries her and then takes another wife, he may not reduce her food or clothing or fail to sleep with her as his wife. If he fails in any of these three ways, she may leave as a free woman without making any payment. (Exodus 21:7-11 NLT)

Or how about this goody:

"You would think that Jesus and the New Testament would have a different view of slavery, but slavery is still approved of in the New Testament, as the following passages show."

Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ. (Ephesians 6:5 NLT)

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Like I say, Double b/dmarks/Les, I don't have a problem if a person wants to slam religion as an absurdity, repressive force, etc.. Just as long as they're consistent in the application of these criteria. Matt Stone and Trey Parker ARE consistent. Various bloggers on the internet often AREN'T.

dmarks said...

Someone commented here:

"right now but way back they were the enlightened ones while Christianity was in the Dark Ages."

Not really. The Moorish rule of Spain was savage and brutal, hardly less than after the Moors were driven out. Pogroms, cleansing Spanish cities of Jews, and other religious oppression was common in supposedly enlightened Islamic Spain.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

And 70 years before they conquered Spain, they conquered Jerusalem....I also know one thing for certain, dmarks, I wouldn't want to be a woman, a Jew, a Christian, or a homosexual in ANY of those countries in this supposedly moderate Islamic Conference.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Consistency rulz!!!!!

dmarks said...

Will: Calling the Islamic empire enlightened is like going to the Battle of Stalingrad and identifying one of the sides as "the good guys".

Among many other important things, it can be pointed out that the area known as Saudi Arabia had a large Jewish population. Muhammed ordered them destroyed. Being Jewish is to this day illegal in Saudi Arabia.