Monday, August 22, 2011

Miscellaneous 94

1) The defense that President Obama gets from certain segments of the blogosphere is borderline pathological. I mean, the frigging guy could throttle somebody and they'd still defend him some. "The throttleee was a racist and deserved it", they'd say. And don't get me wrong here. I actually like Obama. I voted for him and probably will again. But come on already. He a) gave a good speech at the 2004 convention, b) put a major beatdown on the idiot, Alan Keyes, c) had but a brief cup of coffee in the U.S. Senate, and d) defeated a stark raving mad lunatic, John McCain, in the 2008 Presidential race. Could there be a more fortunate individual anywhere?............2) Yes, he did defeat Hillary. I'll give him some credit for that. But I have to ask you here - how you ever seen a segment of the voting populace turn on somebody the way that the American left turned on Mrs. Clinton? I mean, my God. They frigging tossed her aside as if she was a balding snow-tire, for Christ.............3) And I definitely didn't like the way that everybody dumped on Mrs. Clinton when she didn't concede immediately. I mean, seriously, why should she have? I don't ever recall Reagan conceding immediately in 1976. And what about Mr. Teddy Kennedy? Poor Jimmy Carter had to basically chase him around the stage in 1980, just to get a frigging handshake from him. All in all, I think that Mrs. Clinton showed a fair amount of class throughout the 2008 race (her husband, no, maybe not as much). At least she did so from a historical perspective, I'm saying.............4) Have any of you folks seen that new show on Fox (News); "The Five"? It's basically Bob Beckel versus four conservatives....And talk about ineffectual here. The only way that they could make this Beckel character more ineffectual would be to have him suit up in a Washington Generals uniform. I'm serious!


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

[1-2] no.

[3] Hillary Clinton was "dumped on"? Perhaps, but I don't particularly care... especially now, two and a half years into Barack Obama's first term.

[4] no. haven't seen it. I'm not a right-wing fox watcher.

Rusty Shackelford said...

A question here voted for'nt that,fool me once shame on you....and you say you'd vote for him again...fool me twice shame on me?
You say you'd vote for him because you "like" him.Obama being an abject failure does'nt sway your thinking at all?

Rusty Shackelford said...

Wow,Gallup poll today Obama down to 38% approval rating.
His next step...ware a cardigan sweater and start using the word malaise in his speeches.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Congress is at 8% Rusty. And Obama's handling of the Libyan deal went quite well. Qadaffi is gone in six months and we didn't lose any soldiers and Halliburton didn't make any money. That's gotta piss off you righties.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I don't like double-standards, wd. Ted Kennedy wouldn't even shake Jimmy Carter's hand and nobody said BOO to that, but Hillary has to concede the very instant that Obama clinches it. How in the hell is that frigging fair?............Truth makes a pretty valid point, Russ. While Obama may in fact be ineffectual, at least he ain't the other guy.

Rusty Shackelford said...

National debt has risen 4 trillion dollars since Obama's taken office.The largest increase of any president in history.Debt rose 4 1/2 trillion in Bush's eight years....holy christ,just think what Obie could do in eight years.
Half of america does'nt even know who the f#^k Qadaffi is Truth,but I'd bet the majority of them know there are 20 million of their neighbors without jobs and I'm guessing the majority of them know a friend or relative who's either lost their home or in danger of losing it.
And Will,who the hell is this "other guy" you mention?

Rusty Shackelford said...

Yes my liberal friends Obama has a record to run on this time....and it aint a pretty one.All those photos of him on the golf course in MV while the economy continues to swirl in the bowl are gonna bite him on the ass.
I mean think about three positive things this guy can run on? Obamacare...who really cares? Osama dead,old news.How about 9% unemployment? How about a failed 800 billion stimulus? How about a sinking housing market? How about the largest number of americans on food stamps in history?
I'm amazed at you Kool Aide drinkers who still support this failure.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Yeah, Russ, but there's a Republican Congress now. Isn't that a sufficient enough check to save the Republic?......The other guy is the tea party with an approval rating even less than Obama's.

Les Carpenter said...

Does anyone else get the feeling we're screwed no matter who sits in the Big chair" following NOV. 2012?

Rusty Shackelford said...

Here's a news flash Will,neither congress or the Tea Party is running for president.
Fact is Obama has a first term record very much on par with that of Jimmy Carter's,perhaps even worse.There is'nt anything positive he can run on.His campaign is going to be just bash Republicans,he'll say look,I'm bad at this job but they will be worse.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

So what you're saying is you don;t care about dead pirates, dead Bin laden, Qadaffi gone, an economy on the brink of depression when Obama took office and now a stock market 6,000 points higher. Is that what you're saying Rusty?

But the other good news is that if all Obama does is bash obstructionist, poor and middle class hating republicans, that will be good enough for him to get reelected anyway.

Rusty Shackelford said...

No Truth,I could care less about dead pirates,a dead Osama or Quadaffi neither of them effect my life one bit.

But I very much care about 20 million americans without jobs,I worry about 47 million americans on food stamps,I care about 40% of americans mortgages being upside down,I care about the national debt being at an all time high,I worry that the countrys economic growth is under 2%. And I worry that we have a president who could'nt find the cheeks of his ass with both hands.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

So you don't care about despots and terrorists Rusty. But you do care about the mess Bush left and the obstructionist republicans that refuse to allow anything that would fix it to happen.

Obama in 2012!

Rusty Shackelford said...

Oh shit...I'd forgotten everything was Bush's fault,my bad Truth and damn,I also forgot about congress.Wait,wait a minute did'nt the dems control congress,senate and white house for two years? Maybe I'm wrong but I really thought they did.Did'nt the dems go over 800 days without submitting a budget?

So Truth,what you're saying is that for the past two and a half year Obama has either been playing golf or standing around with his thumb up his ass? You're really saying this guy has'nt done shit to improve the economy.How dare you talk about the president like that.

Rusty Shackelford said...

How is the weather in Oz today Truth?
Just click your heels three times and say...there's no place like home....there's no place like home.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

So, Russ, if we put in a Republican President and a Republican Senate, to go along with an already Republican House, that'll be our sole salvation in 2012? As the only blogger amongst us who actually prefers a divided government, excuse me if I'm a little apprehensive about that.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

And why can't the Republicans ever put forth somebody sane? Why does it always have to be a religious right guy, a supply-sider, a neocon, or now a frigging tea partier dude/dudette? I mean, what about a Powell, or a Hagel, or a Bloomberg? Is that too much to ask these days?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Actually, I think that Les pretty much nailed it. We're probably screwed no matter who wins.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Rusty, are wrong about the dems controling congress and the white house for two years. They only were "in control" technically. In reality the repubs said NO to everything and forced the dems to "compromise".... and every piece of legislation passed was the worse for it.

The only way we'll get anything done -- and get it done right -- is to fire as many repubs as possible in 2012.

Also, the only way we'll be screwed is if the repubs gain control or we continue with this "divided government" Will desires. Hopefully the voters will wake up and vote Democratic.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Keep running away from your comments Rusty but you've exposed yourself for the Bush sheepman you are.

That was truly despicable you're saying you didn't care about Qadaffi or Bin Laden considering all the people they were rsponsible for murdering. And particularly all the lives of soldiers who were wounded and died because of Bin laden in the two invasions.

Will may delete this as a lersonal attack but man Rusty, you make me sick.

Rusty Shackelford said...

It pleases me if in fact I do make you sick Truth.
You come here making some assine statement without any backing facts then get your pantys in a knot when called on it.

And once I dont give a shit about Qadaffi,I dont give one shit about those idiots over there runnung around shooting guns in the air.I'm glad Osama is dead,but he's been a none issue for at least five years.

I much more concerned about the dammage this president has done to the country the past almost three years.He is a clueless a president he's a very good community organizer.

Next time you want to make an ass out of yourself at least bring some facts with you...dont try to run with the tired old "its Bushe's fault," that dog dont hunt anymore.This Obama turkey has a record this election aint pretty.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I try to be fair and balanced here, Russ. Yes, Mr. Obama owns a large chunk of the economy at this point and he deserves his fair share of criticism. But, he's also killed a hell of a lot of terrorists (and majorly broken up their network) and I think that he deserves some credit for that. None of these guys are all bad or all good. They're all pretty much shades of gray, IMHO.

Rusty Shackelford said...

Did'nt try to "take back" anything,I actually dont give a flying f#*k about Qadaffi or bin Laden,neither one has anything to do with the pitiful job being done by this president on economic issues.You cant make custard out of mustard just by saying it's so.Facts are absolute facts,Obama is a failure on the Jimmy carter level.

As for being pathetic and deluded....last I looked fruitbowl,you're the one wearing the Hunter Thompson costume....creepy.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Keep on sticking with your bullshit about not caring about Bin Laden or qadaffi Rusty. If you repeat it enough times maybe you'll find another right wing sheep that will buy into it. As for me, I truly feel badly for all those buried in Arlington and elsewhere because of that asshole Bin Laden. Just cause you don't care that he's dead doesn't mean the rest of us don't care about those who served like you.

And I'll kick your ignorant ass discussing economics when I feel like it. Keep begging for it though. Making you squirm is entertaining to all.

Why do you hate our Troops Rusty?

dmarks said...

Truth: About Khadaffy, some have a Pat Buchanan-type attitude: foreigners are inferior to Americans and it's no worry at all if they get slaughtered by tyrants.

Rusty Shackelford said...

Truth,you need to stay with your liberal talking points and stay away from subjects were you may have to present a fact of two.

As for an economics discussion,you would be bringing a knife to a gun fight.Stay with what you know, which is very little.Your ridiculous assine comments like the "hating the Troops" just fortifies how ignorant you are.The only retort you ever have is your typical liberal B.S. nothing more,nothing less.You sir are the proverbial empty suit.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You lost Rusty. Stop embarrassing yourself. You're becoming more and more pathetic and desperate each time you publish a comment.

Rusty Shackelford said...

Witty retort Hunter.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Gentlemen, I consider both of you my friend. And as such, my only countenance would be to remind both of you that neither one of you is right all of the time (and neither is the other wrong all of the time).......Rusty, it wouldn't kill you to admit that Mr. Obama has had some decent foreign policy accomplishments. And, Truth, it wouldn't kill you to admit that maybe this very same President has had a misstep or 2 regarding the economy. As the 2 of you probably already know, I consider ALL of these politicians to be a total mixed bag and to get into arguments over them (yes, I've fallen prey myself) doesn't really accomplish all that much. Viva la idiots! That would be the gist of my pertinent advice here.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Truth has been tough on Obama and has been run off some left leaning blogs for it.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I stand informed and commend this Truth fellow. I also commiserate with him (boy, do I ever commiserate with him).