Saturday, August 8, 2020

On the Tendency of Hard-Core Leftists, Racial-Grievance-Mongers, "Woke" SJWs, etc. to Define Black Identity Largely On Oppression and Suffering

Yeah, not only is that patronizing and insulting, it's pretty-much a dead-end, too, in that such a mindset a) puts the focus predominantly on the external side of one's milieu (a real motivation killer, one would surmise) and b) has an extremely bad historical record (groups that have focused largely on political agitation have tended to do much worse than those which have stressed education, hard work, enhancing human-capital, etc.; the Irish of the 19th Century versus the East-Asians of the 20th Century, for example). Unfortunately the philosophy has gotten so ingrained into not just the higher-ed system but virtually every other aspect of society that we're likely stuck with it. Short of revolution, I guess.    

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