Wednesday, August 19, 2020

On Some Low-Brow British Asshole Named Ben Norton Actually Attempting to Get George Orwell "Cancelled" for the Unpardonable Sin of Lambasting Joseph Stalin (the Second Most Prolific Mass-Murderer In History After Mao) Early In WW2

He also leaves out the fact that a) Stalin and Hitler were initially quite friendly, b) it wasn't until Hitler did his preemptive foray into Russia that Stalin declared war on the guy, c) Russia also invaded Poland, quite brutally (along with several other countries), and d) the Red army ultimately perpetrated some of the worst war-crimes of the entire conflict (raping hundreds of thousands of German women - many of whom were already close to starving due to the allied air-attacks). I mean, I get it that these rodeo-clowns feast off the left-good/right-bad template and all but to try and put lipstick on Joseph Fucking Stalin, I'm sorry, that's just full-bore sick.

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