Monday, August 17, 2020

On the Fact that In the Psychotic Minds of Pelosi and Company it Was Wrong for President Trump to Send Federal Agents to Portland to Protect the Federal Courthouse On Federal Property......but it Isn't Wrong for the Fascistic Miscreants In Congress to Mandate that Every Damned Person In the Country Wear a Face-Diaper EVEN WHEN THEY'RE OUTSIDE - ( )!!!

So if you're hiking the Appalachian Trail in Georgia with no one within miles if still have to wear one of those suckers (enforced by satellites, I guess, half-jokingly)? Kind of sounds like it, no?....................................................................................................P.S. And, no, there is still no solid evidence that mask-wearing by the general public stops the spread of contagious diseases. Yes, it will probably stop some mucus from escaping but that doesn't appear to be the route of transmission with this virus (aerosols a much more likely suspect) and when you combine that with all of the downsides to mask-wearing (headaches, contamination, improper usage, immune system suppression, panic and fear, etc.) it's really hard to justify such a draconian action. To me, at least. 

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