Sunday, August 12, 2012

On Romney and His Taxes

I suspect that Mr. Romney MAY have taken a loss on some investments and that he MAY have paid a relatively low percentage for a couple of years because of it. So frigging what. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that and if I were him, I would release the ten years worth of returns and tell the Obama minions to a) go suck on it and b) scurry/there, now you guys go release Obama's transcripts from Occidental and Columbia (we already know that Obama's cum there was under 3.3 because he didn't graduate with honors). Put those folks on the defensive (maybe throw in an unsubstantiated innuendo or two), in other words.


Jerry Critter said...

You are right, Will. Makes you wonder what he is hiding since he does not seem to be following your advice.

Rusty Shackelford said...

Rich Lowrey absolutly chopped Rachel Maddow to pieces on Meet The Press today....David Gregory had to step in and stop the bloodshed.

The libs pump her up as a Rhodes Scholar who's intelligence in political matters is second to none.Yet get her away from the MSNBC echo chamber and put her against someone who smartly disagrees she begins to stutter and stammer as she did today.

BB-Idaho said...

Rich Lowrey was much nicer to Sarah Palin....

Rusty Shackelford said...

and your point is?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I would try to be nice to both Palin AND Maddow if I ever met them. It wouldn't be easy but I'd try.

Eric Noren said...

Will, do you think Romney has successfully ridden this thing down? Now the Ryan pick is dominating the news, pushing the tax return thing to the side.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Excellent question, HR. I would probably still advise him to release them. He obviously didn't do anything illegal and even if he did pay a low percentage for a couple of years, just explain it to the American people. We realize that pretty much everybody tries to pay less in taxes if they can. I mean, my God, Warren Buffett is still contesting what HE owes from 2002!

Jerry Critter said...

"He obviously didn't do anything illegal..."

Why is that so obvious? What am I missing?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

He isn't in jail, is he? Tax avoidance and tax evasion are two entirely separate things and not even Harry Reid has asserted him guilty of the latter.

Dervish Z Sanders said...

I don't think it's obvious either. And he wouldn't go to jail if he were caught. He just be assessed a fine. But he'd have to be caught (audited) first.

Whatever he did tax-avoidance-wise (*if* that is all he did), he obviously can't explain it, or he would have released his returns already. I suspect the American people would NOT understand, since it would be things only rich people can do.

I suspect your suspicions are wrong. It has to be more than him taking investment loses.

Warren Buffett isn't running for president.

And this call for Obama to release his educational transcripts is BS. He's already released his tax returns and Mitt Romney has not. There is a precedent for one and not the other.

Also, the Republicans are ALREADY throwing in an maybe throw in an unsubstantiated innuendo or two... they suggest he attended as a foreign exchange student.

dmarks said...

WD said: "And this call for Obama to release his educational transcripts is BS..... they suggest he attended as a foreign exchange student."

I actually agree. This fits in with my take on the 'birther' thing. If by some remote chance it were found he were an alien of some kind (foreign earth nation, not space!), it would not matter to me very much. I would also support a resolution such as this one to clear it up.

Dervish Z Sanders said...

dmarks: I actually agree.

But you disagree that Romney should release his tax returns, right? Do you think it would be fascism?

dmarks said...

Fascism has to do with intrusive government policy, so I am not sure how this is related.

Dervish Z Sanders said...

dmarks: Fascism has to do with intrusive government policy...

It doesn't have anything to do with that... that is your own personal definition that is recognized by nobody else on planet earth.

dmarks said...

Wrong again...

( sometimes initial capital letter ) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism. "


Fascism has everything to do with intrusive government power.

As I didn't write the definition or coin this word, it has nothing to do with my "personal definition". If I had a personal definition different from this, I'd be a fool.

Dervish Z Sanders said...

Wrong. I did a google search, and found the correct definition below. It was the very first definition that came up, so there was no "definition shopping".

1. An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.

2. (in general use) Extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.

You ignore the right wing nature of Fascism... and even idiotically attempt to link Socialism and Fascism as if they were the same (even though they are on opposite ends of the political spectrum). That most assuredly makes you a fool.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

wd, Romney has been audited many times and he hasn't been busted yet.......And I don't buy the Obama foreign exchange story bit at all. I just want to see how shitty his grades were and if they were commensurate with getting into Columbia (which we know for a fact that he didn't graduate with honors from) and Harvard.

Jerry Critter said...

Do,you have any proof that Romney's been audited other than he said so?

dmarks said...

The only ignoring is by you, WD. I oppose right wing fascism and left wing fascism. You are in denial about it.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I heard it on CNN, Jerry. And if he ever did anything exceedingly flagrant, it would have triggered a flag and he most definitely would have been audited. As a rich guy he is under far greater scrutiny than a guy like wd who is struggling.

Dervish Z Sanders said...

dmarks: I oppose right wing fascism and left wing fascism. You are in denial about it.

You oppose something that doesn't exist. You're the one in denial. Fascism is Rightwing and only rightwing. Note that the definition I provided earlier confirms this.

Will: As a rich guy he is under far greater scrutiny than a guy... who is struggling.

Actually, the opposite is true. A Huffington Post article from 4/10/2012 reveals that, "despite the IRS's promise to bring new scrutiny to tax avoidance schemes used by the super rich, a new report finds that of the nearly 8,300 individuals recently reporting adjusted annual gross income of $10 million or more, as few as 12 may have actually been audited by the special unit devoted to the task".

This is despite the fact that, of those dozen audited, an additional 1.3 million (average) was collected. Clearly this is another way in which our economic system is rigged to benefit the wealthy.

Rusty Shackelford said...

Dont you wish you were rich WD...then you too could benefit from all rigging in the system?

Its the old golden rule....he who has the gold makes the rules.

You may not like the situation WD,but you bitching about it is'nt going to change a damn relax and accept your station in life.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

This is the IRS under the Obama administration.......But it actually does make sense. One of the principles of Parkinson's Law is that the bureaucrats tend to spend a disproportionate amount of time on smaller ticket items (because they can identify with them more readily) and let the higher ticket items go through unabated. It's one of the most perfect examples of bureaucratic inertia.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Though as my subsequent post has clearly pointed out, your facts are entirely bogus (maybe 12 by the special task force).

Dervish Z Sanders said...

Will: Though as my subsequent post has clearly pointed out, your facts are entirely bogus (maybe 12 by the special task force).

According to a report from TRAC IRS (an organization that describes itself as "Your source for comprehensive, independent and nonpartisan information about the IRS"), "while the IRS announced that the tax affairs of all high wealth individuals will be thoroughly scrutinized by this new GHW group, two and a half years into the program the agency still has allocated very limited resources towards this ambitious initiative".

Note the word "all". This task force is in charge of audits for *all* millionaires. They don't do some and then some more are done by IRS auditors who aren't a part of this special task force -- as you are incorrectly guessing.

My facts are not "entirely bogus", they are entirely accurate. According to the report, "87.5 percent of millionaire returns were not even examined".

dmarks said...
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dmarks said...

"My facts are not "entirely bogus"

It is more accurate to say that your uninformed opinions (which are quite prevalent, WD) are entirely bogus. You don't present facts much at all.

Like when you insisted that Bain outsourced than Immelt.

Of course, your false "Facts" should be distinguished from your ill-intentioned opinions, such as your fascist idea that giving the government more and more power over our lives will improve everything.

Dervish Z Sanders said...

dmarks: Like when you insisted that Bain outsourced than Immelt.

I never "insisted" this. You're flat-out lying. And I'm strongly opposed to any and all "fascist ideas".

The uninformed opinions and false facts you refer to are your own.