Sunday, April 1, 2012

Soupy "Take no Prisoners" Hart

So, Newt Gingrich is charging people $50 to have their picture taken with him now? That's a little bit steep, no? Me? I'm telling you here, folks, the only way that I would pay that much is if it was me throwing a coconut cream pie in his face. And I'm not even so sure about those conditions (he, on the other hand, needing moolah, would more than likely consent to them) .


Jerry Critter said...

Hey! I will gladly give you 50 bucks to throw a coconut cream pie in his face. I bet we could get a few other takers too.

dmarks said...

This is pretty funny. He's acting like a greedy former baseball player.

BB-Idaho said...

If elected, he would probably charge for press conferences and bill signing....

dmarks said...

He hasn't had a base hit in years.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Newt's plan:

[1] The convention is going to be brokered because he'll stay in the race and prevent Romney from getting enough delegates to cinch the nomination.

[2] Romney delegates will flip and vote for Newt... because he is the real conservative.

[3] Newt will win the nomination and destroy Obama with his superior debating skills (and promise of 2.50/gallon gas).

[4] President Newt will ensure economic prosperity for all and be elected to a second term.

Failing that he will write more books, produce more videos, and charge higher speaking fees. All his followers will buy these products (and pay to hear him speak), as they will be eager for the inside scoop as to how they can survive the coming Obama/or Romney economic (or perhaps literal) apocalypse.

Les Carpenter said...

I, on the other hand would charge Newtie $50 to have his picture taken with me.

After I threw a coconut cream pie in his face.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

The easiest way to ensure bipartisanship in the blogosphere? Mention the name, Newt Gingrich, apparently.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Will: The easiest way to ensure bipartisanship in the blogosphere? Mention the name, Newt Gingrich, apparently.

Because we all enjoy overpaying for our gas?

Les Carpenter said...

Chill wd...

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Sorry "Rational", I forgot you enjoy overpaying for your gas. It's no wonder "Rational" can't stand Newt.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Actually, wd, I was referring to the fact that none of us seem to like the fellow very much.

Les Carpenter said...

wd - Thanks for linking to my "rational" article. Perhaps you actually understand more than I originally thought.

Meager profit margins indeed.