Saturday, April 21, 2012

I Hate the Phillies

That's it/no biggie. As a Mets fan, I just need to say it every once in a while.


Les Carpenter said...

I hate the Yankees. No bog deal. Being a Boston fan it happens quite regularly O say this.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

If it helps at all, The Sox are my favorite American League team and, yes, I hate those damned Yankees, too.

Jerry Critter said...

As a Illinois grad, I hate Ohio State and Michigan.

Les Carpenter said...

And I hate those damn typos I seem prone to make.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Hey, that's part of your charm, Les. Kind of like me and pissing off wd.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Will: I Hate the Phillies

The baseball team? The Wikipedia disambiguation page says there is also a NFL team known as the Phillies, as well as a number of other groups who use name. Wikipedia also says it's a brand of cigar and a man with the first name of George who is a politician with the Libertarian party.

I'll assume you meant one of the groups of people, otherwise you would not have used the word "the".

So why does Will hate an entire group of people for no apparent reason? I mean, if some of the individual people who belong to the "Phillies" wronged him, then why not hate them individually?

This is especially confusing given the fact that the membership of sports teams changes. New members join and old members leave. Yet Will still hates "The Phillies" as a group. Which, I assume means he hates these new members for no reason at all... he hates them just because they joined the group.

If someone leave the Phillies does that mean that Will stops hating them. Or perhaps he continues hating them (this is unclear).

Me, I'm a rational person and there is no group of people I hate for no reason.

And talking about "rational", I noticed he joined in on the hate-fest. He hates a different group of people for no reason. I knew his moniker was BS, but here his irrationality is on display for all to see.

As for Jerry, I don't know why he joined in. He always seemed like a reasonable fellow to me.

dmarks said...

"The baseball team? The Wikipedia disambiguation page says there is also a NFL team known as the Phillies,"

The the NFL team has been gone for 100 years.

The rest of your comment is like that of a clueless pedant who arrogantly assumes superiority over others by the strength of their ignorance and disdain for professional sports.

A lot like the characters of Frasier and Diane on "Cheers" whenever they talk about the Red Sox.

Jerry: I hate the Wolverines. Hate hate hate em. But I love it when Ohio State beats them.

Rusty Shackelford said...

You friggin Yankee haters must really have your knickers in a knot today.

Boston up 9 to zip in the sixth inning.....yet go on to loose to the Yanks 15 to 9.One of the biggest choke jobs in baseball history and there is'nt a nicer bunch it could happen to.Chew on that Red Sox Nation.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

dmarks: The rest of your comment is like that of a clueless pedant who arrogantly assumes superiority over others by the strength of their ignorance and disdain for professional sports.

Thank you for the compliment.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

wd, I don't think that Jerry, Les, Rusty, dmarks, and I literally hate the individual human beings that comprise these schools and teams (for instance, we don't wish any of them ill in any of their off the field endeavors). We just hate (again, you're taking it far too literally) them as opponents/rivals of those team that we have an affinity for. I mean, I doubt that we hate them as much as you hate libertarians.

Jerry Critter said...

Oh come on now, w-d. I know you have a sense of humor, and it is just sports. You always "hate" your rivals. I am going to assume you are being sarcastic. If so, you have been very successful.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

What I wrote was a joke. I guess I'm the only one who laughed. It was worth it. I also enjoyed dmarks comment... his twisted views are often good for a laugh.

For the record I don't hate Libertarians, I just think they've been duped.

Les Carpenter said...

For the record... I don't hate wd, I think (know) hes been duped! ;)

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"Rational" Nation: For the record... I don't hate wd, I think (know) hes been duped! ;)

Will dmarks call you out on your arrogance... saying you "know" I've been duped? I predict "no".

dmarks said...

No, because he smiled at the end. No one could seriously make such sweeping arrogant claims.