Thursday, April 19, 2012

On Ed Schultz, Mike Malloy, Michael Savage, and Bill Cunningham

I prefer my pundits to be of the non-foaming at the mouth variety, thank you very much.


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Foaming at the mouth = passionate voice for the average American.

Also, who is Bill Cunningham? Never heard of him.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

As an average American, I say that that's far too broad of a brush-stroke.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

It's true that far to many average Americans have been duped.

dmarks said...

"Foaming at the mouth = passionate voice for the average American"

Which is no less true of the Weiner guy than it is for Schultz.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Duped into what, wd, the idiotic notion that we can literally solve all of our problems by taxing the rich (as I've already told you, we can tax everything over $250,000 a year at 100% and we would still have a deficit - it's ALWAYS people like me amd dmarks who end up picking up the tab for you and your idiotic experimentations) and creating yet another layer of stifling government bureaucracy that essentially makes people jump through hoops just to start a business? That duped?

dmarks said...

Will said: "it's ALWAYS people like me amd dmarks who end up picking up the tab for you and your idiotic experimentations"

Sounds like you think he is some sort of freeloader?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I'd like to think that I would take a chance on the guy and hire him but I'm also pretty sure that within a week or two he'd be bitching and moaning and, so, no, I probably wouldn't hire him. We clearly have more than enough malcontents where I work already.

Les Carpenter said...

"It's true that far to many average Americans have been duped."

Looking in the mirror again are ya w?

dmarks said...

RN: Yes, we know his arrogance. That everyone who does not share his exact world view is duped.

When pressed on this, all he can come up with is difference of opinion, and never any evidence of anyone being duped.

Since I am not an arrogant ass, I will never assert that people who choose to act and vote in their own interest are "duped".

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Will: I'd like to think that I would take a chance on the guy and hire him but I'm also pretty sure that within a week or two he'd be bitching and moaning...

Bill Cunningham? Is he related to Randy "Duke" Cunningham? I'd have thought you'd be worried about him doing something dishonest, but I wouldn't hold him responsible for something his brother did.

dmarks: When pressed on this, all he can come up with is difference of opinion, and never any evidence of anyone being duped.

Republican voting Tea Partiers duped: evidence.

Republican voting Evangelicals duped: evidence.

Post from my blog detailing how people have been duped into voting Republican: evidence.

dmarks said...

Concerning WD's false evidence.

(1) Well, might apply to all Tea Party Republicans who have had a chance to vote for Ken Buck. What tiny percent is it? And of these, how many voted for Buck based on other issues unrelated to the one mentioned in the debate clip. Add this to the fact that Maddow likes to mislead, editorialize, and spin, so your case failed.

(2) No evidence of anything. Just an opinion by a talking head. Nothing more.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...
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The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

The evidence isn't false. In any case, you didn't like the first two, but fail to mention the third. I'll assume the reason is because it is evidence you looked over and couldn't refute. I therefore declare that my allegations of voters being duped have been proven.