Friday, May 20, 2011

So, How Badly DOES Rachel Laddow Hate Ronald Reagan?

She hates Mr. Reagan SO MUCH that this hatred actually prevented her from seeing what was an absolutely perfect opportunity to rip apart yet another famous Republican; a fellow by the name of, hm, what's his name again, oh yeah, RICHARD MILLHOUSE NIXON!! Yeah, that's right, folks, in her snarky, simple-minded rush to imply that Ronald Reagan was a red-baiter sympathetic to McCarthyism, she totally neglected to tell us that the then Congressman Nixon was an actual MEMBER of that dreaded House Un-American Activities Committee (Mr. Reagan was a witness for that committee but there exists ZERO evidence that he actually "named names").................................................................................................So, do I think that the Maddow people are kicking themselves over this? No, I do not. This, folks, in that, while I'm pretty sure that Maddow probably doesn't care for Nixon (he was, after all, a Republican), he is nothing compared to Ronald Reagan (Nixon, at the very least was a liberal on domestic issues). Reagan, folks, is the devil in the minds of most progressives and the ends ALWAYS justify the means..................................................................................................P.S. Just for the record here, Mr. Reagan was hardly a blind disciple of Joe McCarthy. a) He criticized McCarthy. b) He opposed legislation from Washington that would have made membership in Communist groups or the espousal of Communist views illegal. c) He worked hard to get an unknown actress named Nancy Davis off the blacklist (she later became Nancy Reagan). And, like I previously said, he didn't name names.....Look, folks, there are a crap-load of legitimate reasons to criticize Mr. Reagan (the deficits, Lebanon, the savings and loan fiasco, Iran Contra, etc.). You really do not NEED to (and you shouldn't) make these idiotic guilt by association charges. It was wrong for the right to do it with Obama and it's just as wrong for Ms. Maddow to do it here.


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

The SUBJECT of the segment was a series of cartoons Mike Huckabee is selling, not McCarthyism! All Rachel Maddow said was that Reagan was a "friendly witness", which, as I already pointed out to you, Encyclopedia Britannica online CONFIRMS!

Everything you say that Rachel Maddow was implying (with her one sentence) is being totally imagined by you. Until she actually does this story you think she's done (how Reagan felt about McCarthyism)... this is all just speculation on your part.

What I would say is WRONG is for you to attack Rachel Maddow for things you're imagining she's saying.

And obviously Reagan did not completely disagree with McCarthy's goals, or he wouldn't have said McCarthy "used a shot gun when a rifle was needed".

Also... which is it: did Reagan not name names or is there just no evidence that he did?

dmarks said...

Nothing wrong with naming names if those were involved actually were Soviet agents (i.e. members of the CP).

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Hollywood was infiltrated by communists? That truly is boobery. dmarks, I thought you didn't subscribe to conspiracy theories.

Rusty Shackleford said...

Liberalism is just Communism sold by the drink.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

The Tea Party dupes are tools for the Reich-wing that is serving up Fascism by the ladle.

Mordechai said...

Ronald Reagan was a card carrying DEMOCRAT back then willy;

He campaigned FOR Harry Truman against Tom Dewey.

Reagan Campaigns for Truman in 1948

In fact Reagan didn't "officially" register as a Republican until 1962.

That makes me think he wasn't all gung ho for the imbecility that was McCarthyism of the 50's

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

It sounds like you're agreeing with me, anonymous. See above as to how I defended the Gipper against this innuendo.

dmarks said...

W-Dervish: I made no such claim, so we're safe.