Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Obama/Romney/DEMINT!! Care

I've already admitted that the Republicans are being totally hypocritical on health-care; the fact that they're constantly denigrating Obamacare, WHEN they themselves have, at various points in time, advocated plans ALMOST IDENTICAL!! Yeah, well you want an even better smoking gun? How 'bout this - the fact that none other than that conservative of conservatives, JIM DEMINT, as recently as 2007, came out in strong support of, not just former Governor Romney but of actual Romneycare itself - the individual mandate, included!! Youza, huh?..................................................................................................Look, folks, I'm not saying that Obamacare is perfect. In fact, if it's anything at all like Romneycare (and it clearly seems to be), it'll probably end up being exorbitantly expensive. But, for the Republicans here to so continuously paint the President's plan as some sort of Marxist overhaul is completely/utterly bush-league, IMHO.

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