Monday, March 15, 2010

Houses of Shrill Repute

1) The Republicans (in Congress) obviously HAVEN'T helped the Dems (the fact that this surprises people perplexes me). But theoretically, with huge majorities in both houses of Congress, they really didn't need to. It was the Democratic party that couldn't get its respective act together. 2) This, and people also have to realize that each of these Senators and Congressmen has his/her own unique constituency. What gets Mr. Weiner (a liberal) votes in New York isn't necessarily going to get Mr. Shuler (a "blue-dog") votes in North Carolina. 3) And, yes, overall, we probably ARE a "center" (Mr.s O'Reilly and Hannity would probably say "center-right" but, yeah, screw them, right?) country. The "progressive" wing of the Democratic party isn't going to get all that it wants - more than likely. I'm not necessarily arguing that that's a good thing or bad thing - only that it seems to be a reality.


Teeluck said...

I say put the pedal to the metal and see how much we can get from this puppy, because the Delirious God Lickers crowd is waiting in the wings to get re-elected and bring on the Armageddon crap.

Teeluck said...

You see...the Repuglickers...they love death and are just waiting to die...the delirious fools are too lazy to find out if religion...all of them around the world... is even worth a pint of piss...

Kentucky Rain said...

LOL TeeLuck!! Will I suspect the progressives are going to have to live with what they get.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Correct me if I'm wrong, Teeluck, but, yes, you seem to have an issue or two with these elephant people. LOL Keep the passion flowing, my brother......You're absolutely right, Mike. All sides are seemingly going to have to compromise here.

cosmiccowboy said...

Teeluck is waiting for the mother ship to land.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Double c, you and Teeluck should take it on the road.

cosmiccowboy said...

CNN reported that in trying to boost his dismal ratings Keith Olbermann will use his fathers corpse in a Weekend at Bernies parody.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I have a sick sense of humor, too, double c. And the jokes ARE funny (and, no, certainly no worse than "I hope Rush Limbaugh's kidneys fail). But, yeah/I don't know, you might have wanted to wait a week or two - you know, just to let the body cool a tad.