Wednesday, December 30, 2009

This I Found To Be Very Interesting

Back in 2000, the Arab-Israeli newspaper, Kul Al-Arab, conducted a little research. They polled the Arab-Israeli citizens of the town, Umm el-Fahm, on the following: "If allowed, would you ever want your town to be incorporated into a Palestinian state?" Surprisingly (or not), 83% of the respondents (all of which, please remember, were Israeli Arabs) said that NO, they WOULDN'T want their town to be part of such a state..............................................................................................Hm, this means what, folks? Does it mean that these particular Israeli-Arabs are somehow masochoistic? Does it mean that they're smart, stupid? Seriously, what does it mean?


Commander Zaius said...

It means they are smart but several Jewish-Israeli politicans are questioning the loyality of Arab-Israelis. I've read speculation, and I realize most speculation is crap, that if the Arab-Israelis are ever seriously alienated from the rest of the country Israel is done.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Shimon Peres and Abbas, if left alone, could probably come up with a just settlement in days. Unfortunately, there are others (on both sides) whose livelihood clearly rests on there never being one.

Oso said...

Might depend on how the question was phrased.Two state solution ? Could be they want freedom rather than a little bantustan.

The Newspaper was 50% Jewish owned at the time, prior to 2006 so the direction of the paper might have been less Arab-oriented than it is now.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

So, they want it all, in other words.