Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Great Way to Persuade, Fellows

I have been accused by several of Barack Obama's more ardent supporters of having "trashed" the Senator, of doing so in an effort to help McCain, specifically. I don't know, what can I say here? These people evidently don't believe me when I say that I couldn't (due to my position on the Iraq War) in good conscience vote for Senator McCain this time around. They must also in essence feel that ANY criticism of their candidate (unless, of course, it's done by them) is something that must not only be stifled but but seen as a by-product of some sort of conspiratorial process. Needless to say, the messenger of the criticism gets denigrated along with McCain.......................................I don't know, folks, I find this all rather strange. I used to think, frankly, that among the central tenets of liberalism were tolerance, an openness of thought, a willingness to see the world through another's perspective, etc.. If you ask me, it seems that a lot of these so-called liberals are as rigid in their thinking (interpretations often coming before the actual experiencing) as these right-wing talk-radio folks (Melanie Morgan, possibly excepted) continue to be.......................................As for the actual charge of me having trashed Senator Obama, give me a break. I've criticized him on a number of issues (air-strikes inside of Pakistan, his willingness to leave a residual force inside Iraq, etc.), period. But not only that, folks, I've never once hit him on any of the really salacious stuff; the Reverend Wright flap, Bill Ayers, Tony Rezko, the San Francisco "clinging to their guns and religion" comments, his "typical white person" comment. I've never teed-off on his wife for any of her comments. I've stuck to what I thought were some pertinent points. Not that I expect any credit for this, mind you - but just for the record, I'm saying...........................................P.S. As of now, this perennial "swing-voter" is leaning toward Barr. Not that I couldn't be persuaded otherwise, of course. Just be sane about it, O.K.?

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