Tuesday, September 25, 2018

On the Fact that a Posse of Low IQ Bimbos at the "Guardian" Recently Did a Hit-Piece On Right-of-Center YouTube Channels In Which They Tried to Tie Them Together as Some Sort of Organized Cabal to Disseminate Fake News and Perpetrate European Superiority

The legacy media has done a lot of idiotic and paranoid stories over the past several years (trying to assert that Jordan Peterson is alt-right, for example) but this one just might take the cake in that they tried to assert that people as diverse as Michael Knowles, Ben Shapiro, and Candace Owens (your average Republicans), Sargon of Akkad and Tim Pool (moderate libertarians), Mike Cernovich, Gavin McInnes, Paul Joseph Watson, and Milo Yiannopoulos (alt-light figures and/or civic-nationalists, at worst), Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern (paleo libertarians), Dave Rubin, Joe Rogan, and James Damore (apolitical types), Jordan Peterson and Steven Pinker (noteworthy public intellectuals) and Henrik Palmgren, Mark Collet, and Millennial Woes (full-blown ethno-nationalists) are somehow working together to create some sort of neo-Nazi apocalypse (and please keep in mind that a lot of these folks don't even like each other!). It is of course ridiculous and, yet, emblematic of the way that the left has been operating these days (labeling anyone to the right of Castro as an alt-right neo-Nazi white supremacist who wants to exterminate half the planet) and God only knows where it ends. Soon, hopefully.   

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