Friday, September 28, 2018

On the Claim that Rape Is Such a Traumatic Event In One's Life (and I Have No Doubt that it Is) that it Is Not Uncommon for One's Memory to Be Faulty Regarding the Ancillary Details

Yes, this appears to be the case in some situations but what folks also have to realize is that in any sort of he-said/she-said court scenario, YOU NEED CORROBORATING EVIDENCE in order to make the case stick (otherwise you have a Stalinist system in which an accusation is the only prerequisite to destroy somebody). And I'm sorry but there just isn't any in this Kavanaugh situation. I mean, the woman can't even tell us who drove her home, for Christ (this though she remembers having one beer)……………………………………………………………………………..P.S. I actually experienced a traumatic event myself when I was a teenager (a car-crash at 18) and I vividly recall being driven to the emergency room by Tim Ramsey in the wee hours in the morning......but maybe that's just me. Who knows?

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